I have now seen through the end of Gilmore Girls Season Three.
I don't think I've been this emotionally cut up by the collapse of a television 'ship since Jaye/Eric.
I watched Keg! Max! last night after watching Trainspotting with the suitemates. I emailed
muzakgurrl with:
*collapses from sad*
*collapses from sad again*
And then I cried a bit [a lot] and collapsed on my bed and went to sleep without further ado. Today when she emailed me back and warned against watching the last three episodes on the airplane to Seattle [like I had planned], I decided to put off the paper some more and finish S3.
And now I just want to curl up in a ball and do nothing.
I must come off as this humourously weepy girl, but I swear that in life I rarely ever cry. The only friends who have seen me cry saw me do so at the age of 5 or younger. With some few exceptions.
I just...I can't think. She might have loved him. And then she falters a bit, and you can see her hold on to her strength and her voice. She's not going to pine for him.
I thought there was so much more to the 'ship. I thought they had more moments, I thought it lasted longer, I thought at a certain point Dean would stop fucking with things and I just never thought I would get as distraught as I am right now.
I thought Jess was from California, but I guess he's from New York City? That makes sense. But the way they painted California versus Connecticut...halfway funny, halfway irking.
It's what my East Coast cousins say. I have an aunt who lives in Santa Rosa, she designs scarves and sweaters. Always uses the purples, the oranges, the pinks, the turquoises. Can you make me one in blue? Or a brown, perhaps? says her sister, who lives in Vermont. We're the crazy Californians who sell hemp hats and have funky beach houses...so, this is all very amusing to me. And not.
Sure, it'd be wish-granting and a hopeless case of writing what you know, and horribly AU, but I want to write Rory failing at this not pining thing and once again writing letters to Jess whose address in Venice Luke forwards to her once the Lorelais hit Amsterdam, and she sends them all at once and Sasha's mailbox fills up one day. Jess stays up all night reading them and when Jimmy and Sasha wake up the next day he's gone and Lily finds a note in her reading closet.
When Jess gets to his northern destination, after a few days he calls Rory and this time he speaks, but it's only: "I got your letters. I'm in San Francisco," to which she replies, "So'm I. Funny story, involving a bad layover," so they agree to meet in front of 826 Valencia to see if they can find a McSweeney writer or maybe even the great Eggers himself. They can't. He asks her, amid pirate supplies, where Lorelai is and it's another funny story with jetlag.
They walk outside, hop some Muni and make their way to Ocean Beach and sit on the sand. Wait for the other to speak. For something to happen. And nothing's happening, but the air is full of longing and if he just reaches out he can clasp her hand...
And that's all I can do because I'm still in a stupid mood and I need to go watch 4x01 right now so I can get out of this mood. I can't be falling into a dazed depressed stupor while I'm trying to write a paper!
and true love waits
in haunted attics
and true love lives
on lollipops and crisps
ETA: RAAAH! 4x01-4x03 are on the disc [with 3x06-3x12] that didn't work!