Aug 05, 2007 01:24
Just thought I write a decent journal entry. I haven't actually written one in quite a while.
So...catching up with life so far here.
My job in nice, at the Rave. Workin' hard, trying not to fuck up too bad. Got my School Schedule and what-not.
I really want to go buy Harvest Moon; Rune Factory for the Nintendo DS. There's gonna be one for the Wii too, but I forget what it was called. Anywho, I also need to sell my GameBoy Advanced for money to buy Allen-boy a DS, cuz he really needs one, and a Pokemon game too boot. Silly, hoe! D= You can borrow my Animal Crossing, but don't save over meee!
Holy shit, I REALLY need to call Sonny, man. I REALLY need to. Having 4-to-close kinda hours sucks, cuz I sleep until near noon, then get ready, do laundry and what-not. Ugh...
It's becoming increasingly more difficult for me to concentrate on a single subject. I find myself constantly juggling thoughts, never really sticking to any particular one. True, this leads to rather short entries scattered into a few sentences and small paragraphs, but it's annoying none-the-less.
I keep wanting to drive, but mom always has her car out for whatever errands she was previously doing, and she refuses to pull out my Saturn just so I can drive to work with her, and have her drive it back. It's a bit annoying, really, because she knows I really need the practice. I suck balls at parking, but I'm good at everything else. I guess it's just because I never HAVE to park. Eh.
Brings me to the next thing! She's gone to the new Sam's Club around here twice now, and each time was while I was at work. Pisses me off a tad, because I've always been a Sam's Club fan. Hey, you've got Wal-Mart people, and people like me, who actually want a fucking deal. Oh well. I'd work at Sam's Club, but you have to be 18. Blah...
Dude...Do I have a sign on my chest that says "If you're a pissed of customer, come yell at me!" Because if I do, I really need to replace it with a sign that actually says "So much as look at me wrong and I'll come flying over this fucking counter, assface" because that's pretty much how I feel. Since the Rave changed it's combo system, having sold out to Nestle and requires the purchase of a Nestle candy with the combo for a real discount, I've gotten a million people getting pissed ME!
Let me just say this. Getting mad at the person getting your food is a bad idea. Furthermore, this is just stupid. How can you get mad at a simple employee for what the company above them did, like they could fucking help it. Like we're the evil bastards shoving a stick up your dumb ass. That's like yelling at a convenience store clerk for the raising gas prices! Fucking morons...
Anywho, moving on from the dumb ass customers. Dude, I am NEVER coming in early when a certain asshole is working. I came in a few days ago, two hours early, because I was asked to and told that a single person was working floor staff that night, and I was like "Holy crap, that's gotta suck balls. I'll help." So I ran home, got dressed, and came back. I couldn't find this guy, cuz he wasn't answering his radio, so I just ran to the Usher Closet and took out all the trash for him (two boat fulls) and re-bagged the cans. Then I cleaned the Girl's restrooms, which I figured, because there was only one MALE on staff, would be nasty. I was right. They were disgusting and it took forever to clean them. I did all this within the first half hour of being there. Finally, I find this guy, and he's already short with me, clippy with the way he talks to me and everything. I don't think much of it, since he's been working hard by himself, I'm sure he's tired.
Then he asks me to stand podium by myself, and that he'll come back to get me and we'll do theater number one. So I stand there...without an Usher Schedule to know when theater's are letting out and without a radio. Finally, after fifteen minutes, a manager walks by and I ask him where the kid went, he says he doesn't know, tries to hurry off, but I stop him and ask for a Schedule. Now HE is getting pissy with ME. Hands me a schedule after grumbling "You should have asked for one of these when you first came in, Rosalie..." I'm thinking "Fuck you; I didn't have to come in yet, asshole."
I look at the schedules and, to my horror. I'm twenty minutes late for three theatres....
I rush off, clean these theaters, number one being the biggest mess I've seen since working here, by myself. About an hour or more later, I see this kid come by and I'm like "Dude! Where are you going?!" He ignores me, and I don't have time, I'm almost late for another theater. Later, I find out he went on BREAK all the way to Books A Million, taking THE FUCKING RADIO WITH HIM! He comes back and is dragged off by the same asshole manager who was pissy with me earlier to unload a truck.
I run into main concession, because now it's 10pm, and I need to hurry and do theater four before I log into concession for my actual scheduled hours. I checked the Rave Clock, and to my surprise, find the asshole-kid standing around, having a drink. I yell at him about running off without me, or even letting me know when I needed to do those theater's, making me late. True, it was my responsibility to get a schedule when I came in, I understand that. However, it was his responsibility to let me know when he left for break so I knew to go on without him, because I stood at that podium waiting for his dumb-ass for almost twenty minutes, and because of that, I was late for a bunch of theater cleanings. I also yelled at him for taking the radio with him, not giving it to me. So if they had to call Usher Staff, I wouldn't have heard it.
He gets pissy with me, saying "Don't you fucking bitch at me!" to which I'm reply, "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to like that? I didn't have to come in when I did, and I certainly didn't have to help your ungrateful ass!"
He storms off and about five minutes later, while I'm heading out the door to go clean theater four by myself before heading to log into concession, the same asshole manager stops me and is actually cursing at me.
"Why do you need to bitch at him, Rosalie? You don't need to be bitching at my...other employees!"
I'm not even kidding. He cursed at me many more times and he actually paused between my and other employees, making it obvious he almost said "my employees" like I don't fucking work there. I just stood there, taking this all in.
To which I told him, "I'm going to go clean theater four now..." and took off toward the door. He yelled, and I mean YELLED to me "If you're gonna get an attitude, you can just clock out!"
I cried the entire time I cleaned that theater, finished it, cleared out the trash AGAIN, clocked into concession, and cried for fifteen more minutes in the Family Restroom, because it was a room with a door I could lock.
If they have that situation again, I'm asking "Who's the kid that's working alone?" and they say "Justin", I'm letting that little ungratefull Manager's Pet keep working by himself. You can say that's immature of me, but I disagree. I think that if he treated me like that once, what's to stop him from doing it again? So no; he made his bed, he can lay in it. He'll get no extra help from me. And that manager? Yeah; he better not ask me for any favors either. If any other manager asks me to come in early, I will. If he does, I'm saying "No" for all those times he was so rude to me when I was just trying to fucking help.
Now, I understand being tired and having a short temper. I understand being very busy and understaffed. I understand all of that. What I don't understand is being absolutely rude to someone who came in to HELP you, when they didn't have to. What
Anywho, good news. I cleaned the entire area around the Trash Compactor yesterday. My shoes still smell of garbage juice (yummy...) and Ginny Crow helped me as much as she could and then she took of to the little concession stand. Managers fucked with her too. No one told her she was opening the little concession and training a new girl, but they chewed her out for it. Idiots should have told her; they know she'd have had that thing open on time if she KNEW about it. Assholes. Anywho, onto the good news! So...I was cleaning the compactor and anyone who knows me can tell you that I'm sensitive to smells. Needless to say, I puked. Just once, right into the compactor shortly after Ginny left, because I found a piece of wood we forgot to chuck in and had to climb up and throw it in. I puke just a bit, but the sound of it hitting the bottom of the compactor couple with the fact that it was the tuna-melt I had that morning with pepper-jack cheese and salsa just made me vomit more. So that was a breakfast that wasn't as important a meal as it should have been.
But, soaked to the bone with water from the hose and garbage juice, I still did everything else I could that day, and it was a busy night with premiers of "Underdog", "Bratz", and "The Bourne Ultimatum". I got three coupons to Chick-fillet. 8D *happiness for my fat ass*
My sister might be moving out near the end of September. D= I don't know if I should be sad or happy, cuz she really needs to be on her own, but she's my sister, and I cried for two days when she left last time. I wish I could go with her...
This school year better be awesome. -_______-
I guess I really haven't much else to say...
JIM! GET BACK FROM GERMANY, HOE! 3X best have some pictures. Remember; pics, or it never happened.
Love always,
Rosalie, the Pudding Queen
Randomness: Dude, I was listening to the radio last night, like I always am, when a song came on that I thought was FUCKING AWESOME! I was rockin' out all by myself, but I was half awake when the first bit came on, so I had no idea what the song was, until it ended:
Me: *still dancing in her bed* ^w^
Dj Lance: "And that was Ally and A.J. with "The Potential Break Up Song!"
Me: *stops moving, horrified* O------------O;;;
*has since added it to her MySpace playlist* Fuck you, it's an awesome song...