
May 07, 2005 13:12

Howdy all,

It has been one hell of a week, and extremely busy. For some strange reason the firm has just been busy as hell, and usually it is dead. So, I can get my homework done usually, but that was not the case this week...but heaven forbid that I actually work when I am at work...hehe.

Spent time with Kelly Thursday night, had nice long talks. Called up Chaz, talked to her for a while...basically just trying to reconnect with everyone for the summer. I picked up Ryan at the airport yesterday, he decided to make a surprise visit home for his mom...how...sweet...:). And strangely enough, guess who we bumped into at the airport...CHRISTY!!! It was so funny, she was just struttin a long, minding her own business when she bumped into us, and we were all just totally shocked. But when I was waiting for Ryan, and they announced the flight for Horizon from Portland I thought, "it would be funny if Christy was on that flight." And there she was...it was kewl. And of course she had her fishy in her water bottle with her...what a hoot. *sighs* So good to start havin everybody come home...missed ya'll. So anyway, as I was taking Ryan home, we came to the intersection of Senators and Governors, and I ended up rear-ending a Pontiac that I had thought was moving. I just kept saying to Ryan, welcome home. Then his bro forgot to leave the back door open, so I helped him break in to his own house through his mother's bedroom window. I hope Donna was good and surprised.

My sister ended up missing her flight this morning...so we aren't sure when she is actually going to be here. But we do know she is going to be here...someday...yeah. I can't wait till she gets here though.

Well, maybe I'll see some of you later! Maybe not...we shall see...
lada ppl!
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