Sep 01, 2011 13:26
The big news of yesterday, at least from an emotional and physical wellbeing standpoint, was a visit to the dentist. This was a follow-up appointment ("second scale") from the one last month where it was discovered that I had so much tartar it was approaching "serious" levels. Sadly, this meant that they had to dig in pretty deep to get everything out, and my mouth was sore all yesterday evening and I'm still having trouble chewing anything tougher than a sandwich.
In short: I didn't enjoy it. I've had so much work done on my mouth over the years (two sets of braces, two retainers, head gear, neck gear, space maintainer, three sets of gum surgery, wisdom teeth removed while in the gum, all but six baby teeth pulled, etc.) that just the smells and sounds of a dentist's office are enough to put me on edge and raise my blood pressure, no matter how nice the individual dentist or hygienist is. The hygienist was quick to point out that future appointments should not be nearly so painful. I really want to believe her. But I've never taken great care of my teeth, and in all my memory, I have never had a non-painful dentist appointment. Here's hoping I can turn things around for the future.
In any case, Ian came over afterwards and distracted me by cooking me soup and running a side-scene for his Game of Thrones game, which was very nice of him. Geeking out over Game of Thrones is always fun.
Today I'm back at work. Due to a decision made yesterday while I was away, we've got a lot of stuff coming in over the transom (read: the fax machine) today. It's not a super-huge amount of work, but almost all of it is tricky and tedious. Oh, well. That's what they pay me for.
Tonight is Heavy Gear! Time to go be a bad-ass martial artist and hopefully not get the entire party killed! Yay!
daily update