Yesterday's essay on Daily Breadcrumbs was about yet another incident of the Israelites complaining.
Today's Breadcrumb is about the concept of sheol, or the Jewish afterlife.
An all-around fun tactile party last night. Many thanks to the hosts and the various guests for making it so, and especially for the out-of-towners who came in to enjoy it. I didn't stay in the dark room all that long, but I enjoyed it while I did. The addition of apple crumble makes anything better. And now that I have discovered sweet potato chips (thanks to Northbard), I may never go back.
Today I visisted my grandparents and walked home therefrom, enjoying the lovely weather. I'd have liked to make it out to Scrabble at the tams, but it's mother's day and thus things are a bit wonky. Maybe next time!
Also, a brief update from yesterday. There are pictures of the pillow fight! Facebook members can see a large amount of them
here, while non-Facebook members can see a few
here (link seems to be down right now, though),
here, or
here. The latter has a few of Ian, but you'll have to check the Facebook album for the few that have me in the them.
That's it for now! TTFN!