May 12, 2007 19:08
Okay, I'm feeling much better now than I was earlier today. This afternoon, at 3 o'clock, I participated in a 100-odd person pillow fight at Place des Arts. If ten minutes of whacking people with pillows isn't enough to get stress out of your system, I don't know what is.
To back up but a moment... Last night, I saw an announcement on facebook for a "Flash Mob Pillow Fight." I never thought I'd say this, but it seems Facebook does have its uses. The premise: people show up at Place des Arts with concealed pillows, and at 3 o'clock, upon the sounding of the signal, people wail on each other with their pillows for 10 minutes. Apparently a similar thing was organized in New York recently that lasted 45 minutes.
So Ian and I arrive at Place des Arts. Unbeknownst to us (or, presumably, the organizers) it was some sort of public security day, and various public security forces (police, SQ, RCMP, MP, etc.) had booths set up and personnel milling about. This threw a small kink into our plans, but when the whistle sounded at three, I joined in with everyone else. Actually, I think the police enjoyed watching us go at it. I guestimate that about 100 people took part in the mass orgy of pillow-y goodness. Someone even brought a small bag of down feathers and tossed them into the air for atmosphere. (And in the atmosphere... feathers are part of a balanced diet, right?)
Afterwards, Ian and I went for drinks with two of the photographers (as you might expect, there were many people snapping pics of the event for posterity or portfolios), Olivier and Jean. I believe they may be new readers to this LJ. If so, hi!
Afterwards, I walked back to Ian's, got a phone call from Marc along the way, and am taking advantage of the free wireless internet from across the street. Yay for wireless technology. Tonight is the tactile party. TTFN.
pillow fight