Bearing Gifts

Sep 10, 2014 17:00

Another project I started some time ago: adapting Cyc´s story "Bearing Gifts". The character design is always the easiest part, the storytelling is anything but and the whole thing always comes to a screeching halt when architecture is involved. Well, I´m about half way into the story, some architectural inspirations have been found, I´ve redrawn a bunch of panels already, so if my fear of completing things can be overcome it might even get finished. :D

So this story is set on Themiscyra AKA Paradise Island AKA home of the Amazons and Diana. Finding my own visual for Diana and the gender swapped versions of Clark and Bruce (whom you don´t get to see here yet ;) ) took some study and some reflexion. I used to think my lack of knowledge of Wonder Woman´s own comic stories was because I just wasn´t all that interested in female heroes. But that wasn´t the case actually. My back issue collecting over the last years (thank you, New 52) has reminded me of how much I loved Batgirl, the Linda Danvers Supergirl, the female members of the Legion when I was a kid. The reason Wonder Woman wasn´t on my radar must have been something else. I´m not sure yet, but I think, maybe, she made me feel small. She was too perfect. And I never liked princesses. :P

Going over my current comic reads, I realise again, I am attracted by stories with a good female character. Ms Marvel! self explanatory, everybody loves her and rightly so. Silver Surfer?? Well the Surfer is a dud, I mean who honestly identifies with a naked chrome guy on a surfboard? BUT! in Dawn Greenwood he has a supporting character who does all the heavy lifting. She is neither love interest nor damsel in distress, but partner in adventure! The art by the Allreds doesn´t hurt either. I´m thinking of picking up She-Hulk, I´ve heard only good things about the book. And maybe maybe maybe I´ll take a look at the new Batgirl, she reminds me a lot of DCAU Batgirl, the most fun version of them all (until tptb managed to taint that too, sigh).

The cover for Bearing Gifts - without text. In the center: Diana and Greek Clark, to the sides Hippolyta and Bruce. Bottom: random octopus just because

Close ups of Hippolyta and Greek Bruce

Sketches of Diana and girl Clark which will probably not be used in the comic.


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