A Minute in My Skin (2/2)

Nov 18, 2010 16:48

  “So I take it last night went well?” Rian opened his eyes and saw Alex looking at him with a somewhat congratulatory smile. A bit confused, he looked at Alex questioningly, only to quickly realize what the singer was referring to. Matt was still sleeping, and had since turned over and was currently snuggled into Rian’s chest with a smile stretched across his face. Rian had his arms still wrapped loosely around the boy’s waist, and their legs were interlocked much like they had been the night before.

“Yeah,” Rian grinned, tightening his grip around his snuggle partner and pulling the boy closer to him. Matt was warm. And cute. And wonderful. God, Rian just wanted to stay in bed all day and hold the delightful creature that was lying juxtaposed to him.

“Nice going,” Alex congratulated Rian, giving him a wink before righting himself and walking to some location that Rian couldn’t be bothered to care about.

The drummer looked down at Matt. The boy looked so peaceful. He was still fast asleep, breathing evenly and heavily, occasionally twitching or making some sort of small noise. It was so irresistibly cute; Rian could watch the boy sleep for days on end. The way the manager’s bottom lip jutted out just a little bit and how soft the rest of his face looked made Rian just want to plant kisses all up and down Matt’s cheeks and lips. He refrained, only because he didn’t want to disturb the boy’s sleep. And, Rian rather enjoyed watching Matt sleep. It gave him this warm feeling in the pit of his stomach, like everything was at peace. Matt was so perfect.

A couple more minutes passed of Rian marveling in silence at the cute tour manager snuggled cozily up against him, before Matt began to stir and quickly awoke. The boy rubbed his eyes with one hand, and looked up at Rian, whom he had not ceased holding.

“Morning,” He slurred slightly, beaming cutely at Rian before placing a gentle kiss on the drummer’s scruffy jaw.

“Hey, sleepy head,” Rian grinned back, this time going in for an actual kiss. He pressed their lips together gently, feeling Matt’s lips twist into a slight smile. Good-morning kisses were always the best. After a couple seconds, they pulled away from each other.

“What time is it?” Matt asked groggily.

Rian lifted his arm out from under the covers to check his watch. Which he, for some reason, had fallen asleep while wearing last night. Probably got too distracted to remember to take it off.

“It’s 11:45,” Rian sounded reluctant to inform Matt of this. Around this time was when they started setting up in the venues usually.

“Oh, crap,” Matt frowned, “We gotta go set up inside.” Of course, the two were reluctant to do so, but they had to. So, taking their sweet time, the two hoisted themselves out of the cramped bunk and stood up, each one stretching a little. Before they began to walk out of the bus to set up their equipment and stuff like that, Matt snaked one arm around Rian’s back and pulled the two together, pressing his lips passionately and hungrily against Rian’s. He held it for a few minutes, making sure to get all the affection out of him before having to go an extended period of time without kissing Rian. For some reason, Matt felt himself way more attracted to the drummer than he ever thought he would be, and in such a sort amount of time.

Rian let out a pleased giggle before he and Matt exited the bus and entered the venue, where there were mountains of equipment just waiting to be set up and organized. Well, this was bound to be fun.


It was minutes before the show. From backstage, Rian as well as the rest of the band could hear the crowd going absolutely ballistic in anticipation for the boys to come out and play their extensive set. For some reason, which was probably Matt-related, he was actually pretty nervous about tonight’s show. Matt was of course going to be watching, and Rian just had to impress the boy. Even though they could already be considered a ‘thing’, there was just something about having the manager watching him that made Rian’s stomach turn. So, he was sitting on an uncomfortable bench backstage in anticipation to play, tapping his foot furiously against the floor.

“Hey, what’s up?” Rian heard a familiar voice approach him, and within a couple seconds Matt was plopped down on the bench pretty much on top of the drummer, “You look kind of tense.”

“Uh, just kind of nervous, you know,” Rian replied. His foot was tapping violently in hopes to relieve some of the nerves.

“Why though?” Matt seemed genuinely concerned. This really wasn’t like Rian; he usually looked forward to playing shows and was always pumped for them.

“I don’t know, just…you know…” He didn’t want to elaborate. Now that the actual reason was about to come out of his mouth, it seemed stupid and redundant.

“I understand,” Matt said, sliding an arm around Rian’s shoulders, “Well, whatever’s bothering you, I’m sure you’ll do great and I’ll be proud of you.” Matt knew this sounded corny, but hey, it was true. Rian turned his head toward Matt and smiled.

“Thanks,” Rian grinned, and Matt leaned in for a kiss. Already having one arm around Rian, it was easier to get into the groove of things this time. They pressed their lips together hungrily, not wasting much time before Matt opened up his mouth to allow Rian’s tongue full entrance. He swiped his tongue around Matt’s mouth, keeping up a steady rhythm of kissing and licking. Rian occasionally took the time to nip at Matt’s lip ring, which he had recently come to discover was one of the tour manager’s major turn-ons. Mat had both arms wrapped loosely around Rian’s neck and his head tilted into the kiss, moving his mouth in sync with Rian’s, occasionally nipping at Rian’s soft bottom lip when he himself was not being nipped at.

The pair carried on in this manner; making out pretty voraciously for a substantial amount of time, and obviously enjoying every single second of it. As time passed, though, the whole fact that Rian was getting hornier by the second didn’t help his nerves. He probably would have to walk on stage with a raging boner. No big deal or anything. But he couldn’t help it; everything about Matt was just deliciously attractive. Every inch of Matt’s body that Rian ran his fingers over was just flawless, and the manager was one hell of a good kisser.


“Shit.” Rian mumbled under his breath after pulling away from Matt.

“Hey, you’ll do great. Don’t stress, just do what you can here to do and pound the hell out of those drums. Good Luck, Ri,” Matt offered words of encouragement to Rian, smiling brightly at the drummer.

“Thanks babe,” Rian smiled weakly back at Matt, placing one more soft kiss on the tour manager before walking side stage and out onto the platform where his set of drums rested. He sat down in the stool as the rest of the band walked on stage, eliciting the shrieks of a thousand teenagers. His nerves were beginning to calm, just a little. But when All Time Low began to play their first song, all of that nervousness melted away, and Rian focused on pounding the hell out of those drums.


While the rest of the band was out doing signing and the crew was in cleaning up the band’s equipment, circumstance had found it that Rian and Matt were on the bus, together, alone. Needless to say, this lead to some very interesting events.

These events, in a nutshell, consisted of the two boys with lips locked sitting on one of the couches in the back lounge. This time, there was no movie to distract them. Not that a movie would have distracted them anyways, but it just felt a lot better without anyone or anything bothering them in the background.

Rian had his hands gripping tightly at Matt’s exposed hips, while Matt’s arms were wrapped around Rian’s upper back as usual. The pair kissed each other hungrily, eyes closed and heads practically conjoined at the mouth. As Matt kissed Rian, the drummer seemed to be a lot more vocal than usual. If Matt licked just the right spot with his tongue, Rian would let out a breathy moan into the other boy’s mouth, and then return the favor by kissing back harder and grinding his teeth into Matt’s bottom lip. Damn, Rian seemed a lot more horny than usual. This could be a good thing. Then, he got to playing with Matt’s lip ring. Rian took the small piece of metal in between his teeth and began to tug at it, hard. This made the tour manager choke out some sort of ungodly noises that went straight to Rian’s dick, which was already painfully hard. He teased the ring with his teeth, he sucked on it, he did whatever it took to keep Matt moaning like he was. It was the most fucking awesome noise to ever come out of the boy’s mouth. Rian kept working away at Matt’s lip ring, and entire bottom lip for that matter, before he let Matt have his turn at dominance.

The pair made out sloppily for several more minutes, before Rian began to tease at the hem of Matt’s shirt. He really, really wanted things to go farther before the others came back on the bus. He needed this. The tour manager quickly complied with Rian’s silent request, taking the hem of his own shirt delicately in his hands and raising it above his head, promptly removing the article of clothing and dropping it carelessly beside him. Rian, of course, immediately became occupied with this new spectacle. Matt was pretty hot shirtless. The drummer dragged his hands slowly but needily up and down the tour manager’s sides a couple times, taking in every muscle plane and curve and just…everything, before wrapping them around the back of Matt’s neck.

Rian pulled their faces together for another kiss, and no sooner had they started kissing than Matt decided to tug at the end of Rian’s shirt. Eager for the removal of this pesky gray shirt, the drummer immediately took over the operation, leaving the two men shirtless and making out voraciously. Hands were used plentifully, each boy exploring the torso of one another, and liking very much what they felt under their palms. As Matt made his way around Rian’s chest, one of his thumbs grazed the shorter boy’s nipple. This electric contact gave Rian chills and drew a small, sexually frustrated sound from the back of his throat. It was hot.

Matt leaned closer into Rian, deciding that this was a good time to take things to the next level.  He lifted one of his legs from its current position against the couch and lifted it over Rian’s lap, effectively straddling the drummer, and began to attempt to open the boy’s pants button. He was successful after not too much fiddling, and promptly unzipped Rian’s pants and tugged needily at the waist, begging for the drummer to remove them. After a little bit of shifting around, Rian was able to remove his pants without much difficulty. The release of pressure and removal uncomfortably bunched up fabric from his achingly hard dick was a sublime feeling in itself. He readjusted to his previous position, leaving the drummer stark naked with Matt still straddling his thighs.

Immediately, Rian undid the button and zipper of Matt’s pants. Since the boy was on top, removal of his jeans was substantially easier than Rian’s. In a matter of seconds, Matt’s jeans were removed and discarded to a corner of the lounge, leaving him completely naked and sitting on top of the also naked drummer. Immediately, Matt moved his hands to Rian’s dick. He wrapped one hand around the base and began to stroke gently, bringing his hand delicately up towards the head and back down again at a rather slow and sensual pace.

Rian had never really felt something like this before. Sure, he had done this a lot with girls before, but having another guy do it was something else. And, a whole hell of a lot better. With every stroke and every touch Matt made, Rian felt himself get harder and  harder, just waiting for something more. He wanted more. Deciding he would return the glorious favor Matt was mow providing for him, Rian took a nervous hand, placed it on Matt’s dick and began to stroke.  He could tell that Matt had been waiting for this, because as soon as Rian’s fingers made contact with the tour manager’s length, his hips bucked forward and he let out a breathy sigh.

The pair stayed somewhat like that for a substantial amount of time. Matt sat on top of Rian stroking the drummer’s dick while Rian stroked his. With every pass of Matt’s hand down his length, Rian felt a just a little bit closer. Things were beginning to get heated; Matt had since gotten even closer to Rian, as their chests were now pressed up against each other, and pretty much everything out of either one of their mouths was some sort of pleasured groan. Finally, after Rian felt that fire start to churn in the pit of his stomach, he pulled away from the other boy’s lips.

“Let’s fuck,” he breathed against Matt’s mouth, hand straying from the boy’s dick to find rest on his hip.

“Though you’d never ask,” Matt replied with a seductive smirk.

“Do you have, uh, something?” Rian asked, his voice straining slightly as Matt removed his hand from Rian’s painfully stiff boner.

“Uh, yeah, one sec,” Matt planted a soft kiss on Rian’s lips as he turned around and bent down slightly to open one of the many drawers that resided under the black couch. After a couple of failed attempts at finding what he needed, Matt opened the drawer that contained the necessary supplies. He withdrew a small bottle of lube and sat back up, looking at Rian with lust in his eyes.

“No condom?” Rian asked.

“Nah, those hurt,” Matt gave his opinion on the rather unnecessary piece of latex, then opened the bottle of lube and squirted a generous amount of the watery jelly into his palm. He took his lube-filled palm and placed it on Rian’s dick, coating the drummer’s erection in the substance while getting some pretty pleasured grunts out of him in the process. Keeping one hand on the other’s dick in order to guide it to his entrance, Matt adjusted himself so that he was hovering just above the tip of the drummer’s erection. Taking a breath, Matt slowly sank himself onto Rian’s dick.

It was a bit painful at first; Rian could see the way Matt’s face was contorted that he was in a little bit of pain. This look quickly melted away though, and Matt began to slowly move himself up and down on the drummer’s cock.

Rian, at this point, was just about ready to explode. Having Matt on him felt so good, and being inside of the boy was just a euphoric feeling that he couldn’t quite describe. But, the feeling of the boy’s ass around his rock hard dick was just amazing. Matt was so tight and warm. Rian nearly threw his head back in pleasure as Matt began to gain momentum with his movements, picking up some amount of speed and depth with each movement on Rian’s erection. Soon, Rian began to try to match the bucking of Matt’s pelvis with his own thrusts.

The two were now moving together in pretty near perfect sync, and for now, Rian’s small thrusts were relatively uniform. Although, the amazing feeling of his dick sliding in and out of the tight rings of muscle were quickly bringing him closer and closer to an orgasm. Rian could hear Matt’s breaths getting heavier as the tour manager leaned forward onto his sex partner, planting a sloppy and very wet kiss on the drummer’s lips. He continued to bounce on Rian’s lap, not only creating a wonderful pleasure for the boy giving it to him, but also creating his own, as he could adjust his position so that the tip of Rian’s dick brushed against that magical spot inside of him with every thrust. And, that it did.

Matt was so close. Rian could tell. The way his movements were getting messier and less uniform, and how Matt’s ass seemed to be getting slowly tighter as Rian continued to thrust into him. Rian, too, could feel that fantastic fire begin to brew and churn in the pit of his stomach, but it seemed as though Matt was just about to explode.

Not more than a few seconds later, Matt let his whole body collapse onto Rian as he felt his whole body start to shake and succumb to one very incredible orgasm. Rian’s erection was still very much inside of him and coincidentally pushing into that sweet spot, only adding to his pleasure. The manager let out a loud, strenuous moan and he dug his nails deep into Rian’s shoulders, immediately coming all over Rian’s stomach. He lifted his head slightly, and Rian could see that Matt had just or still was experiencing one of the best orgasms of his life. The boy was panting hard and his face shone with pleasure. It was so hot to see Matt like that, Rian only needed to thrust into the boy a couple more times before he came.

Again, this was a completely different feeling from what he had experienced. It just felt so natural, so right, and so good. He tightened his grip around his exhausted sex partner, clawing at Matt’s back as he came inside the boy. He felt his entire body shake, and he threw his head back in pleasure, groaning a very pleasured, very deep groan as he rode out his orgasm. Rian was practically seeing stars; the feeling of Matt on top of him as he came just added to it. He could easily say that that, just now, was the best sex he’s ever had. No girl had ever made him feel that great. As he finished, Rian pulled out and adjusted himself so that he was sitting more upright and holding Matt’s naked body in both arms. The boy had already curled up and snuggled himself comfortably against Rian’s chest, so all the drummer really had to do was hold the boy. It was such a nice feeling; to have Matt snuggled against him like that. There was this incredible warm feeling in Rian’s stomach, and he felt like the entire world was at peace and nothing could mess it up.

Then, completely killing the moment, Rian heard someone opening the door at the front of the bus.

“Fuck!” Rian panicked, and Matt quickly jumped off of him, wasting no time dashing to his bunk and diving under the covers. This left Rian in the lounge, completely naked, alone. Luckily, there happened to be a blanket nearby, so Rian took that and quickly covered his lower half with it, wiping up the semen on his stomach in the process. He would have to wash this blanket later anyways.

“Fucking Christ. I’m going to bed, man,” Zack bellowed, making his way over to his bunk and hopping in. A moment later, an array of clothing descended from the bassist’s bunk. Typical Zack. He liked sleeping naked.

“Me too, brah,” Jack yawned, doing much the same thing as his band mate, except in his own bunk. Rian was surprised that neither of them had taken notice that he was sitting completely naked on the couch that was but six feet from them, but this was probably a good thing. A moment after the two other boys had settled in their bunks, Rain decided that the coast was clear. He carefully removed the blanket from his body and stood up. He had to make this as stealth as possible so that he wouldn’t draw attention to himself. Rian was almost back to his bunk. Success.

“Rian?!” Shit. Rian heard an all too familiar voice exclaim his name. He whipped around and covered himself, only to see Alex standing at the entrance of the bus looking at him with a baffled expression on his face.

“Uh, hi…” Rian said shyly.

“Why are you…?” Rian looked at Alex sheepishly, trying to hide any sense of pride that he had totally just banged Flyzik, “Oh my God. You did not,” Wow, Alex caught on fast.

“Uh…yeah,” Rian admitted, a grin quickly stretching his mouth from ear to ear. Alex stood there for a couple more seconds while a naked Rian waited impatiently and rather awkwardly for a response.

“Nice!” Alex accompanied this word of congratulations with a little wink and thumbs-up. No more words were exchanged between the two, and Rian promptly climbed his naked self into his bunk. He drew the thin white curtain to prevent any more people from seeing him naked, gently rolled himself over and picked the thin covers up over his bare shoulders. With thoughts of his lovely Matt in his mind, Rian drifted off into a deep, satisfied, and content sleep.

pairing: rian dawson/matt flyzik, rating: nc-17

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