My ditl with lots of chores!
Don't be jealous - this isn't what time I got up...this is what time I got up for the 5th time since midnight - each time seeing a feeding.
Even Lager thinks that's a lot of going back to bed.
I took 6 of these and this was the best one.
Brunch and ads.
While my boys play. They're both making faces in this pic.
Then Jase gets more milk.
And then passes out.
When he wakes up he goes in our ring sling and we get moving!
We soak this poosplosion victim.
I take a pic of the fire I stoked earlier - no going near the fireplace with a baby!
Get the laundry from the clothes horses and fold it.
It's so windy here that every time I go past the front door it's been blown open!
Jase hangs out in the play area he got for Christmas.
Lager, of course, wants in on the pic.
I let him outside then back in.
Grab some apples to make applesauce another day.
More nursing.
Lager checks us out before going into the bedroom for a nap.
Everyone's napping but me.
I'm playing around on the iPad looking for a program where Jase can 'paint' on the screen.
Also, watch Teen Mom 2.
Found the program and when Jase wakes up he paints this masterpiece.
Transfer the laundry from earlier into the dryer.
And wash these whites.
Finally get a chance to pull my hair back and put some makeup on!
Dishes then Adam comes home! I took a pic of him but it's pretty terrible.
While supper is cooking I order the Game of Thrones series with the gift card Adam got me for Christmas - 50% off!!
Then supper is cous cous and cucumber salad.
With these chicken legs in the new Actifryer!
More nursing and replenishing.
While watching Cops. Good programming lol
Jase naps then wakes up around 8 for his bedtime routine including a few stories.
I nurse him to sleep.
He goes to bed so nicely then our neighbour's dog comes outside and barks and barks waking him up. Oh well. I rock him back to sleep and then finally go to bed myself.