Drabbles & Ficlets Part 1

Jul 07, 2010 21:48

These were written for Whedonland, JJVerse, as presents for cool people or just, you know, for no reason. :D I'll make two posts, one AtS, one BtVS and one with the other fandoms and the crossovers. So dumping them here and hoping you'll like something. :D
Comments are love!


Touches (Caroline) )

lost, drabble, btvs, dollhouse, echo, ats, drusilla, crossover, fanfiction, kate

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Comments 6

doom_cheesepuff July 8 2010, 03:59:10 UTC
Touches is great. Beautifully written and so much left unsaid. I'm not quite certain what exactly Caroline is remember, but I love it.

Skipping the Lost one because I'm STILL soooo behind on the show. :|

Willow/Dean, btw, is one of the oddest pairings I've ever seen. but the drabbles are lovely.


evangelin1202 July 8 2010, 07:31:18 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it even though a lot was, indeed, left unsaid.

You should definitely catch up. The end is WOW! And I cannot believe you haven't been spoiled yet but go you! :D

Thank you! They were a christmas present and I was like "Huh? How am I supposed to write that?" but oh, well. :D


doom_cheesepuff July 8 2010, 11:46:40 UTC
Haha, I know. It helps that I'm a recluse. And that I've avoided the Lost fandom like the plague since I fell behind.


zoesmith July 8 2010, 08:25:12 UTC
I love love love the Kate and Drusilla one!!!


evangelin1202 July 8 2010, 08:48:19 UTC
Yay! So happy you enjoyed it. Thank you!


(The comment has been removed)

evangelin1202 July 9 2010, 07:28:53 UTC
Yay! Happy you liked them, sweetie.
Thank you!!


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