Drabbles & Ficlets Part 1

Jul 07, 2010 21:48

These were written for Whedonland, JJVerse, as presents for cool people or just, you know, for no reason. :D I'll make two posts, one AtS, one BtVS and one with the other fandoms and the crossovers. So dumping them here and hoping you'll like something. :D
Comments are love!


Title: Touches

Characters/Pairings: Caroline

Rating: PG-13

Word count: 125

Summary: Caroline remembers touches.

Caroline remembers touches.

Little fists tightening around her hair and pulling. Little nails biting into her flesh. Little teeth almost breaking skin. Blows that didn’t have any strength behind them. And yelling that felt like punches at her eardrums.

Then warm arms wrapping around her. Sweet smelling body pressed close to hers, enfolding her in warmth. Tight hold that made her feel so safe. Hands gently squeezing hers. Fingers caressing her cheek.

Then hot lips smashing into hers. Eager hands pulling at her clothes. Teeth gently nibbling at her ear. Hard body moving over hers, barely touching, just whispering, teasing. Lips on her breasts, her nipples. Fingers biting into her tights. A cheek laying over her heart.

Caroline remembers touches. But she can’t feel them.


Title: Welcome to Sunnyhell

Characters/Pairings: Dr. Horrible

Rating: G

Word count: 119

Summary: New beginning.

He looked at the town before him. Too loud, too bright. The sun was shining and the heat was almost unbearable. He already hated this town. It was different, and strange, and at the same time it reeked of something familiar. Of death. It was like a person with a fake smile, holding a knife behind his back. It gave him all kinds of bad vibes. He chuckled, a bitter smile taking over his face. Bad vibes. Big deal. He was alone, he’ll enter the town alone and he’ll leave alone. He wasn’t here to make friends. He had no idea why he was actually here, not really.
Welcome to Sunnydale. Yeah, right.
He really hated this town already.


Title: Pretend

Characters/Pairings: Kate

Rating: G

Word count: 440

Summary: Now things were the way  they were supposed to be.

My LOST finale and, hey, aren’t you glad I wasn’t the one to write it.

Kate looked through the window. At the rain. Rain reminded her of the island. It did now and it always will. She couldn’t help it.

She wondered what happened to Jack sometimes. If he ever made it through. She doubted it. She doubted anyone but her cared. Maybe Sawyer, a bit. But noone else. There simply was noone else. She hated being left in the dark like that. Not knowing. They acted like she didn’t care, like she couldn’t care. Since when did murders have no feelings? They could feel…something. Right?

She wondered about Hurley too. How could he? He’d been the funniest person she’d known. Such an end? It wasn’t for someone like him. It was too sad even thinking about it, too ironic. The kind of irony that brings tears to your eyes and makes you wanna bang your head against the wall and scream at the world. Which she often did. The screaming. And the banging too, but only sometimes, when she was really loosing it.

She wanted to see Aaron so much. Wanted to hold him. Wanted to tell him that somewhere, somehow, she’d been… She just wanted to see that he was still who he was supposed to be. None of them were, why would he be? But she could hope. And even if she couldn’t, she could pretend she could. It wasn’t all that hard , was it?

She liked seeing Juliet, she really did, it was just that seeing her brought so many painful memories. And the fact that she often just turned around and walked away hurt almost as much. They all have their ways, though most of them have only one. The one to Hell. She wasn’t really sure that was true but she saw it this way, who was gonna blame her?

She really wanted to talk to Sawyer. It seemed like his road was pretty much hers. Not that they had much of a road. Cells weren’t all that big, let her tell you. Maybe he’d banged his head against the wall enough times to forget. Nah, he couldn’t forget, but maybe he could pretend to forget.

Just like she pretended to hope. Just like she pretended to care, if tomorrow came. It wasn’t like tomorrow was gonna change anything. They had had their chance to change things and they had thrown it away. Now things were the way  they were supposed to be. Not that Kate cared. One prison for another. It was just that, she preferred being able to run and shoot, and at least TRY to make a difference. Now, difference couldn’t be made. It was over.


Title: Pray

Characters/Pairings: Kate, Drusilla

Rating: PG-13

Word count: 130

Summary: Kate doesn’t believe in many things. Doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

AtS/LOST Crossover.

Warnings: Character’s Death

Kate wasn’t surprised when she didn’t see her whole life flash before her eyes. She had never believed in such things. But then again, she hadn’t believed in the thing that was holding her body so close neither.

She felt the fangs piercing her skin. Her blood started rushing out of her veins, leaving her, giving up on her as if it knew that she was lost. Slowly she became more and more aware of the coldness that the brunette, that was taking her life, radiated. Her sight blurred and her head was swimming, but for some reason, she could hear the nonsense that the creature, that was holding her, was murmuring, perfectly.

Kate closed her eyes and did something she hadn’t done in a very long time. She prayed.


Title: Good and Pure

Pairing: Dean/Willow
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: When do you find what you’ve always been looking for?

A Buffy/Supernatural drabble. Willow/Dean. Dean’s POV.

Dean had seen enough supernatural things to know that they were never good, they were never pure. He had stopped searching for good and pure a long time ago. He knew that there were no such things in the world. It was funny how something that you’ve been looking for your whole life comes to you only when you have given up on finding it.

Dean twirled a red lock of hair around his finger and kissed Willow’s naked shoulder. Things came only when you had given up on finding them. He slowly smiled to himself. Love was no exception.

Title: Two Worlds

Pairing: Dean/Willow
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Can something good come out of two colliding worlds?

A Buffy/Supernatural drabble. Willow/Dean. Willow’s POV.

Willow loved the nature, she treasured the peace. Hunting and killing had never been her things. She had known that such things could never attract her. What she hadn’t known was that the things underneath could attract her, way too much actually. She was just glad that she had made the effort to look underneath. She was just glad that she had found all that she’d been looking for.

Every person lives in his own world. Willow knew that but she had learned. She snuggled deeper into Dean’s warm embrace. Sometimes, when two worlds collided, good things came out.

lost, drabble, btvs, dollhouse, echo, ats, drusilla, crossover, fanfiction, kate

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