Buffy meme!

Jun 14, 2010 22:57

Willow and Xander. All I had to do was remember Grave and I knew they were it. The ultimate friendship!

WILLOW: You can't stop this.
XANDER: Yeah, I get that. It's just, where else am I gonna go? You've been my best friend my whole life. World gonna end ... where else would I want to be?
WILLOW: Is this the master plan? You're going to stop me by telling me you love me?
XANDER: Well, I was going to walk you off a cliff and hand you an anvil, but ... it seemed kinda cartoony.
WILLOW: Still making jokes.
XANDER: I'm not joking. I know you're in pain. I can't imagine the pain you're in. And I know you're about to do something apocalyptically evil and stupid, and hey. I still want to hang. You're Willow.
WILLOW: Don't call me that.
XANDER: First day of kindergarten. You cried because you broke the yellow crayon, and you were too afraid to tell anyone. You've come pretty far, ending the world, not a terrific notion. But the thing is? Yeah. I love you. I loved crayon-breaky Willow and I love ... scary veiny Willow. So if I'm going out, it's here. If you wanna kill the world? Well, then start with me. I've earned that.
WILLOW: You think I won't?
XANDER: It doesn't matter. I'll still love you.
WILLOW: Shut up. 

Day 08 - Favorite Friendship
Day 09 - Favorite Romance
Day 10 - Least Favorite Season
Day 11 - Least Favorite Romance
Day 12 - Least Favorite Episode
Day 13 - Favorite Potential Slayer
Day 14 - Favorite Female Villain
Day 15 - Favorite Male Villain
Day 16 - Episode You Like That Everyone Else Hates
Day 17 - Character You Relate To The Most
Day 18 - Character Who Didn’t Get Enough Screen Time
Day 19 - Character You Like That Everyone Else Hates
Day 20 - Best Spike-centric Episode
Day 21 - Best Willow-centric Episode
Day 22 - Best Xander-centric Episode
Day 23 - Two Characters You Wanted To Get Together That Never Did
Day 24 - Favorite Example of 90s Special Effects
Day 25 - Favorite Buffyverse Saying
Day 26 - Favorite Scooby Moment
Day 27 - Cutest Moment
Day 28 - Character You Love To Hate
Day 29 - Episode You Hate That Everyone Else Loves
Day 30 - What You Think Made Buffy So Great

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