Nov 13, 2008 23:36
...and I got a mad wicked belly-ache. I'm too old for that shit, even only twice a year. Ugh. I hadn't eaten in ten hours (busy day running around and then I spoke/yammered for three + hrs to half-awake students in Joey Cavalieri's SVA class) and I got the hankering, and I wish I hadn't. Ugh. I'm sure I'll be posting this again in six months. I hope not, though. I am weak...
Tomorrow is the National Con in NYC, Sarah and I will be there sitting behind a table with the Emily-Tron 5000, and I'll be there Saturday (Sarah and the little one might bail). Sunday we rest. We'll have nothing new on the table, unless you haven't seen it before, then it's practically new. We should have some new art for sale, I think. I haven't packed up everything yet and I'm pretty out of it, so, like, whatever. Yeah.
Otherwise, things are okay. I don't remember if I posted about wrapping up the script for Beasts of Burden #1 or not, but, uh, I wrapped up the script for Beastst of Burden #1. I'm working on #2 right now, and Jill (Thompson) is working on the art for #1, so we're really, really officially underway, huzzah, and all that.
I also scored some future work today, a comic script pitch went over for something and an offer was made for something else that's in the non-comics realm. Hopefully I can work these gigs into my schedule. We shall see.
Oh, my stomach...I think I really do have worms now.
Okay. I must go pack up for the show and get some sleepy sleep.
Adieu, mon dieu, fondue...
white castle,