
Nov 05, 2009 09:57

I've been on annual leave all this week and it's been great  not to have to go to work, but it utterly sucks having to spend my holiday days studying. I've grossly neglected the finishing of Coming Back Home and instead chose to start on something quite different. Details of which will emerge soon to asugar, my beta. If she still wants to be that is. She's a busy gal, folks!
Today though, I a m heading on my first real holiday with Brian. We've been together a year and we still haven't done anything couple-ish so we decided to go to Connemara on a nice holiday for a couple of days.
Connemara, I hear you say? Yes, Connemara. I'm not one for the sun as I have typical pale Irish skin and I don't like to be over heated. So we're heading to a mountain resort called Delphi. Google it, people, it's fantastic looking! And the weather can go hang I just don't care. I have plenty of walking gear and a huge heave coat so I won't be cold.
My sister announced that she and her other half are going to Paris the week before Xmas. How romantic! And she has us warned that there will be no diamond on her coming home. Am I mean to sound a little bit pleased about that because I'm the older sister and I want mine first!! Yea, I'm a bitch...
Also, I signed up for the Secret Santa challenge on Major Explosion, so that should be fun! I hope I don't regret it after.
How is SGU progressing? The last I saw of them all, they were hurtling towards a star and Chloe and Scott were getting to know each other. Which, even though I love the way he comforts her, is a little soon don't ya think? I'm totally with Rowena on that one. Speaking of,her 100 Ways is totally top of my "Loving it..." List. If you haven't read the latest chapter do so immediately.
Also, for those of you who havent' read it, I'm recommending this one for viewing. it's got everything, Jen/Laura whump, alpha Lorne and Ronon to the rescue with a little team tossed in! Go to this link and see for yourselves! 

It's wonderful! I don't own it or anything, so Nika if you're reading, don't sue! I just really like your work and want to share it with the LJ community!
I'll be home in 2 days and will fill ye all in then!

Eva x
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