Major Lorne is HOT!

Oct 25, 2009 16:07

Major Lorne is HOT! Yes, I know I said it above on the heading, but I feel I must reiterate it. He is just hot. I'm currently watching Search and Rescue, one of my favourite episodes on YouTube and he was so funny when he and Rodney were trapped under that building. Loved his snarky sense of humour.
In my house at the moment, my sisters are glued to The Hills, which I absolutely detest. I make it a point to never watch it. That Heidi one drives me mad! 
The smell of roast turkey is driving me crazy too, but for antoher reason entirely. My father is the greatest cook on the planet. Yes, my father. You heard me right. Every Christmas he makes a chocolate cake with mousse and whipped cream filling tis amazing! He wanted to be a chef when he was younger but it wasn't the done thing so he went and became an electrician instead and now he cooks for fun. Chinese from scratch, stews and casseroles, even cakes and tarts. He's the best. I am a total Daddy's girl and proud of it.

Right now I am loving :

Facebook. Yes, I finally became a Facebook member. I don't love it as much as LJ, but it's a different kind of fun.
King Fu Panda: Hilariousness at it's best. And I don't normally like Jack Black, but this was very very good. Highly recommend it.
Finishing my Coming Back Home story. It's in the final stages and almost ready to ship off to asugar for her expert evaluation. It's been brilliant writing it and creating my own Stargate Atlantis Universe.
Ugg Boots: They are so comfortable, and again, I said I'd never follow a trend but this one is easy to jump on.
Bank Holiday Weekends: They are the business. The extra day off is a godsend. And I have only 4 days to work before I am off on a weeks annual leave and going away for a few days to a hotel in Connemara with Brian. This place doesn't even have a tv its a total getaway type of resort and I can't wait! 
Brian: If I can't wax about him here, where can I do it! He's been the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. He accepted me, skeletons and all and just thinks I'm the best thing since bread got sliced. I am a lucky gal indeed!

And Not Loving :

Irish Weather: It's freezing outside and a gale warning has just been issued by Met Eireann (Irish Weather Sattelite People!)

facebook coming back home

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