Bah Humbug!

Nov 27, 2004 13:37

I hate the Christmas Season.

Note that I do not hate Christmas. Christmas is great. Peace, love, joy, family, giving and getting presents, not to mention a certain religious birthday party.

It's the Christmas Season that makes me want to scream and strangle people. Why? Two words: Christmas Music.

I have never worked retail, so I suppose I can never fully comprehend the horror that is Christmas Music, but I still despise it. And for some reason, as soon as Thanksgiving is over (and I hope the Americans reading this had a good Thanksgiving), at least two of my pre-set radio stations feel the need to play nothing but Christmas Music 24 hours a day until Dec. 25th.

I have heard "Little Drummer Boy" six times already. I want to destroy things.

I have another reason for disliking Christmas Music as well. Take a look at my username. One of those words is part of my actual name. Now, guess why I hate the Christmas Season.

On a side note, here is your one chance to make fun of my name. If you mock my name in any other post between now and Christmas, I will yell viciously at you in giant CAPS OF RAGE.

Seriously, I hate the Christmas Season.

christmas music rant

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