Nov 22, 2004 12:55

This is sort of politically related, but it's not politically charged, so I don't feel the need to put it behind an lj-cut. It is about American politics, however, so if you don't care about that, you probably want to skip this post.

I am in the process of gathering information for my master's thesis on youth voting campaigns, and their effectiveness related to the reasons young people vote. I am asking people between the ages of 18 and 25 for stories about why they voted and what influenced them to vote. Because I consider my livejournal a resource, I want to put this question out to you all as well.

This is not a scientific survey. This is a convenience sample and anecdotal evidence, so it proves nothing. I am merely looking for stories to give a "face" to the scientific data I am researching/collecting.

If you are interested in participating, here are the guidelines:

1) I need American citizens between the ages of 18 and 25.

2) I need members of both political parties. I want to hear everyone’s reasons.

3) If you voted in the last election, please let me know:
a. Whether you ever voted before.
b. Why did you vote in this past election?
c. Where there any identifiable influences that convinced you to vote?

4) If you did not vote, please let me know:
a. Why did you not vote?
b. Where there any identifiable influences that convinced you not to vote?

5) If you think you know anyone else who would be interested in completing a response, please point them in my direction. I need as many responses as possible.

6) Please, please, please email your responses to me at campuspolice@hotmail.com. Please do not put your responses in the comments section of this entry. I would like to engage in personal dialogue that should not have to be broadcast in a public channel. If you would like to let me know that you will be sending me an email, that’s fine.

Thank you very much, should anyone participate.
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