Dear Yulegoat

Oct 09, 2016 12:26

It seems as though I am never prepared for Yuletide nominations or letters. Is it happening earlier every year or something?

I'm Eustacia Vye on AO3. First of all, thank you thank you thank you! I might not get a chance to read your gift immediately because of Real Life (working full time, three children, half of the winter break will be spent at work), but I will definitely give it a try because I have way too many devices and I get up hella early to get on the treadmill in the morning. I need something to help me pretend I'm not exercising! :D

Some things I love in fic. :)
  • I adore characterization and plot. Characterization wins hands down for me. Fun in-between scenes that dovetail into canon or seeing how their characterization persists in (some) AU's are fantastic.
  • Snark. I LOVE the snark, especially when it's done well. I cannot love on something enough if there's snark.
  • Angst. Not unrelieved angst, but the kind where characters earn their happy endings. Mindfuckery is a-okay as angst, or hurt/comfort. As long as there's still comfort involved and the ending doesn't make me want to cry tears of hopelessness and grief.
  • To ship or not to ship... Up to you and the muse! It is perfectly fine if you write genfic, Yulegoat. There's a sad lack of genfic in fandom, and not everything has to be about sex. If the muse dictates a ship, my default setting is mostly het. I'm not opposed to slashing characters, it's just not the thing I generally look at first. I have an unhealthy love of OT3 and moresome fics, so that is always a wonderful solution to triangles that people don't use enough!
  • If you do go the shipping route, light kink and BDSM play, especially femdom? YUM.

I have few squicks, but it will take a lot for me to ignore them. So here's my list:
  • Infidelity. Just... NO. Please, please, don't have characters cheating on each other just to put a pairing together. It makes my brain itch.
  • Fridging, especially of female characters. There's enough of that in canon.
  • Rape. Especially if it's in detail or glorified. Dubcon is fine, and glossed over noncon is fine within reason. And if the story does a 50 Shades style of glorifying abuse as romance? Oh, hells no.
  • Incest.
  • Scat.
  • Watersports.
  • MPREG.
  • ABO. Just... no.

And now the request part!

Avengers Academy
This is a phone game I didn't expect to suck out my soul. I love, love, LOVE Natasha Romanoff. She's my homegirl in any incarnation. I don't care who she gets shipped with, TBH. I have yet to find a pairing that really throws me off when it's done well (I'm looking at you, AOU, because that movie did not sell that ship to me in any way, shape or form). I don't think she works so well with Tony, especially as he's presented in Academy, but maybe if you sell it to me? I do love writing buckynat and blackfrost, but don't feel like you have to go there for me. As long as it's centered around Natasha in some way, I promise you I will love your fic from the bottom of my heart. Peggy is another ultimate favorite. I don't care if you slash her with Natasha, have them in an epic friendship as Natasha tries to set up Peggy with Steve, doesn't matter. I picked my favorite characters, but honestly, I love everyone in this game.

October Daye series
A friend told me about these books, and I mainlined them all within about two weeks, I think. I love Toby. That snark and angst combo? hoo boy, did this series hit all that for me. I should probably reread them all, actually. But I'm thinking maybe Toby and May being sisterly. Maybe Jazz hanging out and having a girls' day out. Something where it's not the end of the world or where Toby has to sacrifice more of her humanity in order to save everyone she loves. Hey, if it's while she's a countess, that might be hilarious. I can see Tybalt trying to play off the title just to needle her.

Jessica Jones
The series was such an emotional roller coaster, and I absolutely adored it. I do like that the series was unapologetic about dealing with trauma, and they move through it in different ways. By the end, I wondered how she gets from that point to investigating again. Or how her relationships with Luke and Trish would be. There's going to be so much fallout, and I would love to see how you interpret it.


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