Mar 21, 2014 08:49
I really need to stop reading things I know will irritate me, especially when I'm already perpetually tired.
I had my OB appointment today, and my grand total for weight gain is 19 pounds. BP, HR for me and the kaiju is good, nothing out of the ordinary. (I'm assuming so, since I wasn't explicitly told what any of the numbers were.) My doc was a little late because there was an induction and another birth she had to attend to before my appointment. In the meantime, I was poking at Facebook on my phone while waiting. One of Jay's cousins is very strongly pro-breastfeeding and anti-vaccine, and constantly links things like that. I don't disagree with certain points in various arguments made, (and obviously, I'm pro-breastfeeding too) but the way some of his cousins discuss things turns me off from saying anything. But this was a link to someone's blog post where she and her friends were all saying "I should quote this the next time someone tells me about vaccines!" which made me curious.
So, the post had the tone that pro-vaccination people can be bullies, she sees nothing wrong about not vaccinating, the risks of vaccinating are higher than reported because pharma lies and has medical research in its pocket, it's not her responsibility to ensure others don't get sick, and her kids aren't automatically carriers of these diseases, which aren't all that serious anyway. Then of course, are the comments at the bottom, which is where the irritation really comes in. Because of course both sides are going to quote stats at each other. Neither side is going to convince the other that they are wrong. Any highly charged debate will have reactions like that. The truly irritating thing is when the commenters do rely on flawed research or imply that having autism is worse than the risk of death.
Uh, what? I find that extremely offensive and ableist; let me put a disclaimer here that I don't know how I'll handle it if the kaiju is on the spectrum, but that could be just because I'm so damn tired all the time now. I'm sure we'll handle it and find services and whatnot. But to imply that just because a kid isn't meeting their idea of neurocognitive perfect, they want to take the risk of getting a potentially harmful disease instead. It's a spectrum. Not all the people on it are nonverbal and need constant supervision. Heck, even the nonverbal kids don't always need constant supervision. There are plenty of people with traits here and there (the high rates quoted are prolly because they included Asperger's and PDD) and it doesn't disrupt their functioning. Never mind that autism is multifactorial anyway, and vaccines don't cause it. The tone involved just sets me off. And being tired to start with doesn't help, because I just cannot deal with that kind of mentality.
I don't know if I'm even making sense trying to explain that irritation right now. Nonwork thoughts can get pretty wiggy sometimes. This is why I usually try to avoid articles and comments on those kinds of things, and just focus on work, writing fic, avoiding fanwank and doing stuff with the family. Much safer for everyone involved. lol. ^^;
even i can be stupid sometimes,