Yuletide Roundup

Jan 03, 2014 20:43

Oh hey, I totally forgot until just now. Yuletide did their reveals, so now I can actually crosspost here which fics were the ones I wrote. :)

Firstly, my gifts. Go read them and give the authors some love. (I'm trying to wrap my brain around my Big Gift and come up with something coherent to say!)

My contributions this year. Links take you to AO3, which has ratings and tags and whatnot. :)
  • Watching For Possibilities. Push. Nick and Cassie, Cassie and a chick. Poor Nick. heh. This one was my assigned gift, and it was so easy to write, I almost thought there was something wrong with the lack of Bears!
  • Marks On The Calenar. Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. A day in the life of hunters.
  • Forming An Alliance. Sword Art Online. Kirito and Asuna meeting up early on in the series and talking. Cuteness.
  • A Different Kind Of Boy. Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddick. (sorta) NC-17. Genderqueer Jack and Riddick post-Pitch Black. I like this Jack a lot more than Kyra, tbh.
  • Starting Over. Tin Man. DG doesn't want to take over ruling the OZ. She'd rather track down Azkadellia first.
  • Finding A New Happily Ever After. Cinderella. Revisionist what-happens-after fairy tale from the younger stepsister's POV.
  • Adding To The Arsenal. Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. In which Gretel tries to use her White Witch powers and Hansel has a gift of sorts, too.
  • Adrenaline Rush. Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters. Hansel/Gretel/Mina. NC-17. Yes, there's incest (but no penetration, if that matters) and a fix-it for a character death. Straight up fight scene and then porn.

fanfic: fairy tales, fanfic: pitch black, yuletide, fanfic: hansel and gretel, fanfic: tin man, fanfic: sword art online

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