Not enough time to geek out enough.

Oct 01, 2013 18:41

Work continues apace, with back to back patients and intakes. My current patient list hit 570 today. On the one hand, awesome, most of them actually like me. On the other, whoa, how am I supposed to find time to do all the paperwork they want me to do and the random court testifying like I was just asked to do today. ::facepalm:: Have I mentioned how much I hate forensics work? Because it's definitely not my favorite thing to do. It's a step up from getting screamed at, tho.

Now that Maddy is five, we've advanced her bedtime to 8 pm, while Zach's is still 7 pm. Of course, by the time we get her settled in bed, it's nearly 8:30. Usually I go to bed between 9:30 and 10 pm now, since I'm still getting up at 5 am. Ick. This leaves me with just an hour to do whatever it is I want to do in the evenings. Writing has gone much slower as a result, and there's only so many new things I really want to start getting involved in. We have a number of things we DVR already: Legend of Korra, Sword Art Online, Teen Titans Go!, Sleepy Hollow, Agents of SHIELD. Vampire Diaries starts up again soon, and apparently there's a spinoff show for just the Originals. I keep trying to quit that show but I keep getting sucked in. Not sure if I want to see the Originals or not, but odds are good that I'll at least want to see the premiere, and let's face it, it'll prolly suck me in the same way the Vampire Diaries does.

Too much to geek over, too little time. :)

employment tales, random geekery, fandom is awesome

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