weekend update

Jun 16, 2003 19:08

well, saturday had my dentist appointment. my teeth were perfect, and only needed a cleaning. ktv was hoping i'd have a cavity, since he had two more found the last time he had a cleaning. yay me. :)

jay picked me up after kumite (sp?), the workshop class. the weather wasn't quite as good as it was a little earlier, tho. after about twenty minutes sitting and talking with rich and matt (his cousin), it started to rain. so jay and i stayed in, talking and hanging out and watching tv. i stayed over until sunday, and jay made us both omelettes. he took a nap in the early afternoon, and after i woke him up, we watched "Undercover Brother." That movie is just so fundamentally wrong, that we both felt racist just watching the movie and laughing so much. but al said it was one of the few movies he'd seen several times in the theater, and got the dvd without even checking to see if there are specials.

and then we decided to go to the nassau county fair. we had gone there for our first date three years ago. (and a collective "aw!" is heard throughout my friends list. ;)

it was fun, and there were changes in the layout, so it was a little bigger than last year, with some new stuff. we didn't go on any rides (al warned me not to, but wouldn't explain why since jay was standing behind me before we left), but we had fair food, spent time with the animals and attractions. we saw the sideshow and felt supremely cheated. i think the science background we have utterly spoils it, since there's no draw in two headed animals or in seeing siamese twins that have turned parasitic. but it was still fun, and the carnival booth operators kept trying to taunt jay into trying to play a rigged game to win an animal for me. after a while, because we can't remember our first kiss the same way, jay started saying that we were fighting.

i remember it this way (and i know i'm right!): we were sitting on one of the higher rows of the stands outside the pig races. jay was sitting on my right, and when he started to speak, i turned to face him. he said "and since I know you were waiting for this all day..." and then leaned in to kiss me.

jay remembers it this way: we were sitting under the trees outside of nassau coliseum since it was hot that day and we wanted shade. he didn't say anything, and we kissed.

i know i'm right... jay has his rude moments, and i was still shy enough not to initiate a damn thing. but since jay wrote down what i was wearing that day, and i thought i was wearing red even though it was pink, he says i've gotten this wrong, too. ha. we just remember it wrong, but i wouldn't consider this a real argument... you'd have to care and fight back for that to be an argument. i know i'm right, and i'll leave jay his delusions. :D

as for today... gah. i had to drive mom to her mammogram appointment, then go to my primary care physician to get blood drawn and do a PPD test. so before all that, i use dad's computer since it's hooked up to the good printer. i print out my flight schedule and maritza's, and then start to mapquest all my hospitals so it'll be ready when i get back. after i'm done with that and eating my first meal of the day, mom decided to start in on me, asking if i'd had my shower yet, stupid nitpicky things like that. and she decides to pick fights with me for stupid things, so i decide to not say anything. of course, i slip up and say i was thinking of having a warming house after i move into the apartment, which morphed into mom lecturing me about noise and how expensive it is for a party. i hate it when she pulls that. i *know* not to say anything about plans until they're done, but i still foul up every once in a while. after all, i don't know how, i don't know when, but it will always come back to haunt me somehow. i mean, even after coming back from dropping off a chair and lamp at the apartment (mom insisted on bringing it... i thought it could wait), mom decides to repeat her rant with ktv listening in.

but you know what? i'm going to call ericka tomorrow and see if she wants to hang out a little before i leave wednesday. she's leaving for home in virginia sometime during my trip, and i still need a few more third year things from her. i need to call alison to have her move out her stuff so i can move my stuff into the room. i want to call erika and see about meeting the landlady. and of course, pack for wednesday.

i can't believe it... wednesday morning i'm leaving for new orleans. w00ty-w00t!

family wank, fun

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