writing on a groove

Jun 12, 2003 22:48

well, yesterday i wrote a little in AoC in the morning. it was slow going, but i liked how it was turning out. then at 1 pm i went for my eye exam. the guy was really nice, one of those talkative and friendly guys. it turns out my right eye lens is overpowered, but since i'm asymptomatic i might as well leave it. and apparently i'm an ideal candidate for contacts since my eyes aren't too badly shaped, my right eye is spherical and my left eye has an astigmatism easily corrected with lenses. since ktv was there with me, we both quizzed him about getting contacts (ktv started thinking about it when i mentioned the benefits of having contacts on my rotations) and then ktv quizzed him about becoming an OD. i think it's given him more food for thought. poor guy, he's already having a hard time figuring out what he wants to do with his life. then ktv also had his own doctor's checkup (same building, as a matter of fact) and since we were in the neighborhood, we went to pathmark to pick up some london broil steak on sale and a cake for dad's return from his business trip.

today, since the internet was sputtering and not working, i decided to boot up my ghetto laptop and write in AoC. i proceeded to not only finish Chapter 16, I finished Chapter 17 and i'm now halfway through chapter 18. whee! creative!mylan at work today. :)

i had to bring the car in to the garage today. the "check engine" light has been on, and i finally brought it in today since i didn't have anywhere to go. a few hours later, the garage called me back to let me know what was wrong: the freon for the air conditioner apparently leaked out, so that has to be fixed. plus, the heat sensor and two oxygen sensors don't work properly. add in the labor, and that leaves me with over $800 in bills. good thing dad's paying for it.

well, i got my skool clinic to fax over their stupid form today. nice of them not to tell me i needed one, but i had to hear it from classmates. ::facepalm:: well, my doctor called me back about two hours ago to say that apparently, i need my varicella and rubella titers rechecked, plus i need a current PPD, since the last one i had was three years ago. bah, i could've gotten that done a month and a half ago, but nooooooooooooo my skool clinic ppl are annoyingly uninformative. so i have an appt monday, after i play chauffeur for mom's mammogram appt. sorry, nightstalker, i won't be able to hang out then, either.

i'm happy with my current creative streak, though there's still a lot of crap i need to do to get ready for rotations. holy crap, i start rotations in another two weeks or so. O_O

health, ficcing

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