I hope everyone had a happy new year!
I have been at home with the kids and Jason, mostly offline. The shock. ;) I did try to get on to go through the Yuletide archive. Between that, book recs (OMG, Redshirts is utterly HILARIOUS, I read that rather than do the stupid CPT code crosswalk module I was supposed to do for work!) and watching movies with Jason in the evenings, I didn't do very much computery. With the new year, I have to have a Schedule, too. Mondays and Wednesdays will be free time for writing, chatting, poking at LJ/DW or whatever else. Tuesdays and Thursdays will be for studying. Friday is still Date Night, which will be Diablo 3 if I feel like braving the stairs to the basement or going through movies we got for Christmas. Saturday and Sunday nights are up in the air for movies, TV or whatever else.
I'm now T minus six months to Part I of the Child Boards, which means Actual Studying. I started last night, even. So while technically I'm online to watch the webinar lectures, it's two hours of lectures and going through notes to review stuff for the written exam. I'm not worried about this part. Watch me freak out about it next year when it's the live patient interview, because of course that's not phased out yet.
My foot still gets sore and achy, some days more than others. So I'm still taking it easy on the walking around. Yesterday was a pretty good day for walking around the house, Sunday I handled stairs okay at the game store but Saturday tired me right out even though I didn't walk much. My next follow up appointment is tomorrow afternoon.
And since Yuletide reveals went live, I can put up here all the fics I wrote for it! I have no idea how people make the coding look so nice and clean with the copypaste, so I'm still hand coding all this from AO3. If I feel really ambitious, I can crosspost some to different fic comms.
The Devil In The DetailsPush (2009), Rating T
Gen, some graphic violence.
Summary: The plan was to take down a Division facility in Singapore. Why do plans never go smooth?
Earning The Happily Ever AfterTin Man (2007), Rating T
Pairings: Wyatt Cain/DG, Azkadellia/Jeb Cain (sort of), Ahamo/Queen Lavender Eyes
References to self harm, suicidal thoughts
Summary: Stories end happily ever after because they stop before the real work begins.
The Last of the ExecutionersPredators (2010), NC-17
Pairing: Isabelle/Royce
Summary: They survived four alien drops, and still planned to get off this goddamn rock.
This Should Not Be SoFairy Tales & Related Fandoms, Rating T
Gen, Revisionist Fairy Tale, POV First Person, unnamed narrator
Summary: I think he’s a robber bridegroom.
They say I don’t know what I’m talking about. But I know what I see, even if they refuse to. It cannot be so, it should not be so.
Friends From The DeepAddams Family (1991), Cthulhu Mythos - H. P. Lovecraft
Summary: "Pubert is too young to play with Elder Gods, Wednesday," Morticia chided. "You know this. You were only allowed to play with Shuggoth when you were seven."
History RepeatingNorse Mythology, Shadowrun
Gen (sort of, there's mention of Fenris/OFC)
The word is about, there's something evolving
Whatever may come, the world keeps revolving
Being Ready. (This is the porny sequel to
Necessary Sacrifices, which I had the privilege and joy to beta.)
Push (2009), NC-17
Pairing: Nick/Cassie
Summary: It's Cassie's eighteenth birthday.