It's been another one of those weeks so far...

Feb 19, 2009 14:06

This is going to be a quick update that i'll hopefully remember to port over to IJ and IS later.

Maddy definitely had a growth spurt. She no longer fits the 3-6 month size clothes, and the six month size clothes are comfy for her. *schnoogles my squishy baby* Her sleep is starting to fall back into line, though her daytime naps are still up in the air sometimes. Jay had a good day on Monday watching her while day care was closed. Tho having Indy at the groomer's all day prolly helped with that. :)

Yesterday, tho, everybody's day sucked. Except Indy. He always has a good time. :) I had a consult where it just ate my time like an eating thing, so that I was horrifically late for my clinic. I had to have Jay pick up Maddy and then give my patient the time back, since it was my fault they were there so late. Tho they thanked me oh so much for staying late with them and seeing them anyay. I had apologized up and down for being late because of the consult (I said it was an emergency at the hospital), but they took it as a favor that I was seeing them anyway.

By the time I got home, however, Maddy was wailing away like a wailing thing. And Jay had picked her up, but kept the car door partly closed to keep the rain from getting at her. So when he leaned down to pick her up, he smacked his head on the car door edge. He's going to have another scar near his eyes, prolly. :( She hadn't eaten her 4:30 bottle and was having trouble actually eating with Jay. He had to put her in the crib and walk away, and took Indy on a walk in the rain to calm down because he was that frustrated. I got about three ounces or so into her before she got fussy again, and she wouldn't go to sleep right away. Ultimately she did, and then it was all quiet at home.

She was happy again this morning, tho we'll see how she is when I get her from day care today...

madison, fellowship tales, family, indiana

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