This Week in Review

Feb 13, 2009 20:07

what a week. indy chewed on my glasses over the weekend, so I wore the contacts for the first time inmonths. no one noticed, tho.

Monday I was supposed to have a discharge, admission, ase conference and therapy case all in one day. My d/c kid kicked his mother on pass, so the d/c was canceled. My admission still went through, so now I have 6 out of the 10 kids on the unit. The attending was out sick, so I did it more or less on my own. The covering attending got mad at one of my offhand comments about the canceled d/c kid's outpatient followup, saying that if I see him it's poaching off his prior doc and poor form. But it's not like it was on purpose! The mom had been saying for a month she wanted to get a new doc and stay with us since he was doing so much better. *facepalm* I am so not getting involved, yanno? I ran around like a running thing, got to the therapy patient. I kicked back and chatted with Katya while waiting for her, since she's always late. I should have put in the computer orders; the entire hospital went to computer order entry on the 4th, and some of it makes me whip out the Mandarin cursing I learned from Firefly. God bless fandom. ;)

Anyway, I got home late, and Jay had picked up Maddy. She was wailing and wouldn't eat with him, Indy was jumping all over him and he was trying to cook dinner. As soon as I walked in the door, he said "Here, take your baby" and handed her off. He denied it, but he was totally freaking out. :) We got a chance to watch Heroes at least, and I still managed to be conscious. (Nathan is such a prick. And Peter totally got nerfed!)

Tuesday, Maddy woke early, about three or so. She did okay with sleeping until it was time to get her off to day care. I worked through grand rounds since Sharon took the day off and I had to cover her patients. We have two strep A positive kids, and one of Sharon's other kids was getting sickly. Guess who had to do the physical exam? Yup. I was going to try to leave early to pick up some things and then Maddy, but I got a consult in the morning. So Jay had to do the shopping while I picked up Maddy. He initially was going to try to walk Indy and burn off some of his desperately energetic energy, but it didn't work out that way. I passed out early, about a quarter to 9.

Wednesday, Maddy woke early again. This time, it was 1 am. I should've woke her at 5 as usual to feed her, but I didn't. She woke up at 6, and got hungry at 7:15. I wound up having to feed her, but luckily she didn't want an entire bottle. I still managed to get out on time and do what I needed to go. This was good, because I had clinic patients in the afternoon, so I rushed through my day. I left early and used the backroads shortcut the attending told me about to get home again. It let me bypass some of the traffic out of the hospital's main road connectors, and I got to pick up Maddy on time even though I left a little after 5. Jay walked Indy, and there was much Fox News watching in the evening. I passed out while writing my clinic notes at home at about a quarter to 9 again.

Thursday, I'm thinking that I'm having a great morning and I"m completely organized. But once I got to day care, I see that I forgot her milk at home. And my lunch, but whatever. *headdesk* So I turn around, go home to get the milk to get back to the day care, then go off to the hospital. I'm about 20 minutes late, but the attending wasn't there yet so it was all good. But it turned out that I left my cell phone and beeper in the car. *facepalm* Not. My. Day. The rest of the morning went better, at least. But I had been up off and on during the night and was tired. Not because of Maddy this time, but because my ear was popping. And as the day wore on, my throat started hurting on the same side. Sucktastic. But one of the clinic patients canceled and the other wanted to leave early, so it was all good. I got out on time to pick up Maddy, let Jay walk Indy and pass out on the couch with Fox News going. Guess what time. *facepalm*

Friday, I start my day in the outpatient clinic. I usually get there early to pump and get myself settled. The stack of charts and paperwork I left in my office (sh! I didnt' say that!) slowly got done while I did that. Katya and I do nothing but bitch and whine about the paperwork, it seems, tho they've given her almost a dozen new patients (some of them therapy cases) so that she's in the clinic until 8 pm on some nights. The director doesn't seem to know that she has 17 patients (not counting coverage), which is more of a second year's load. Adding insult to injury (for me, anyway!) Facebook has now been blocked on the hospital network. *shakes fist at IT ppl*

We really can't wait until the other two come back from maternity leave! My throat is worse today, and the ache that settled between my shoulderblades last night has now progressed all the way down my spine. I'm noticeably less juicy when pumping and I have chills. :( I'll prolly pass out in an hour or so, to be honest. I tend to pass out in the beginning of the Clone Wars cartoon. *facepalm*

Yeah. Totally NOT the glamorous life. *goes off to shiver some more*

madison, fellowship tales

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