
May 08, 2008 08:31

Not using Semagic atm, will have to port over a bunch of entries anyway. :)

I spent lots of yesterday in the Exhibit hall gathering up a bit more swag to gift ppl with, learning a bit about some drugs I haven't used much (yes, i know it's what the reps want me to know, but it's a starting place, thx) and hanging out with Alex, who had driven down much later than he planned and so didn't see much of the con. He wound up carrying my bags after a while. hee.

After the exhibit hall closed, I took the Metro back to mailechan's house, organized my stuff, bid goodbye to the kitties and locked up. Then it was off to the Metro again, and I needed to put in another $0.30 to get out at Union station. So it sucked up my ticket. Who knew I would honestly need the $20 I put on it in the first place? I got my Amtrak ticket to BWI, but didn't hear the announcement stating that there would have to be a transfer until the ticket agent came by to check the ticket. But it turned out all okay, and a lady gave me her seat. (Jay later said I took advantage of my knocked up status, but it's not like I asked, yanno?) The fun part is that right before the BWI stop, the lady I had been sitting next to saw the bags I dragged out of the side cubby and could read the leet on the Myth bag and started laughing. Geeks are everywhere, yo. :)

So it was a great trip overall. the con could've had better lectures, but part of that is the speaker. More dynamic ones got snatched up by pharma for their sponsored lectures. Some of the non-sponsored were okay, but it was really dependent on the individual. Also, some of the "new" developments weren't all that new anyway. Maybe all the new stuff was saved for the expensive CME classes.

Indy *loved* the toy I got him. He dove straight for the plush part of the pelican and ignored the rope legs. I had to take it back and demonstrate, but he was totally into chomping on the plush. Jay liked his own plushie. :)

So today I have errands to do. Indy's a bit of a noodge, but I'll have to walk him and maybe get him groomed. Apparently his love of playing in dirt hit a high note while I was away. He looks so big now, tho it's prolly in comparison to being near kitties for a while. And Jay looked at me last night and said "How did you get so pregnant?" in amazement. haha.

At some point after I unpack methinks I will do a picspam of some stuff I've seen. :)

residency tales, apa, indiana

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