eek! chilly!

May 06, 2008 08:14

well, at least because I'm wearing a cami and sitting next to an open window. :)

I went to the dinner at Mezza Luna last night, which was fun and tasty. a bunch of us stayed for dessert (OMG the tiramisu!) that the drug rep paid for out of pocket. Her boss and other reps had already decided to move on to the Brickskellar for beers with the attendings. It wasn't as short a walk as the new CPEP attending had said it was, and they didn't have root beer. (A beer house without root beer as the nonalcoholic choice? what?) and I left after a while. Not to worry, I drank sprite. :P I got back here by midnight and decided the hell with part 2 of the morning lectures, I need sleep. I've already bought some nummy stuff on Sunday's Farmer's Market so I'll have that for breakfast and then go to the lecture on blogging and online relationships. I guess someone decided to go out and do some research after all. oh, and one of the attendings i work with that was at dinner had gone to the same afternoon lecture I did, but stayed after the psychopathy part. *Then* it had actually talked about mood disorders in pregnancy (way more prevalent than media or even our prior experience showed) but glossed over treatment. Dude, that's the hard part! guidelines! something! So all in all, I didn't miss too much.

That's the thing about the lectures, though. sometimes they're amazing, sometimes they suck. I'd equate it to Ota-panels. *studiously thinking of "How to survive a zombie apocalypse," which sucked despite the cool premise*

So I think I'll go to the morning lecture. Hopefully it won't suck and will give me something useful *other* than what I know as a geek. I'll browse the book vendors (Still wondering if the full child text is worth the $200 vs. the somewhat abridged copy at $94...) and pick up my next free ADHD book, then maybe hit some museums. tho i'm already wondering how I'm going to get this stuff home. I should've brought a backback I can check. I'll have to get creative. :)

residency tales, apa

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