week #3 is over

Feb 27, 2004 14:18

ah... the joys. i was on call last sunday, so i wound up spending saturday in brooklyn. i redid the hair job so now it's highlighted with auburn again. whee! tho i have had some ppl comment that it looks less like red and more like brown. sigh. that's what i get for not going with bright!firecracker!red. :)

this'll be an odd weekend. plans and plans within plans. some boy time, at least. i'm making damn sure of that, even if i just agreed to babysit tomorrow night so i can get some spending money. i promised i'd go to chinatown with one of my fellow workers that i've gotten tight with. and actually, another two of them, too. so it's the four of us. and if the family plans come out swimmingly, they're going to keep this apartment and buy a new one. my parents and brother will move to the new one, this one will get fixed up. i move into this apartment again, hopefully after the bitch upstairs has gotten the message that my parents have moved. with a separate entrance, it's not an issue anyway. and then i rent out the other two bedrooms. or rather, my mother does and i supply the roomies. one of my new friends wants to move out. good plan. :)

in other news, i'm exercising and cooking again. and by cooking, not just pasta, but actual healthy meals. it's all mukai's fault, the two of us are inspiring each other. you know how hard it is to cook for yourself? it's harder still if your roommate doesn't know how, and what little she does do is a mess. but mukai and i are definitely cooking well balanced meals and taking care of ourselves. it's great to find someone else that's interested in the same things you are. :)

len e-mailed me. i saw the message today. very odd. i replied anyway, since she said that a friend of hers passed away. that friend and her had gotten into stupid arguments (kind of like ours, i suppose) and she said that something told her to call him up and apologize and talk to him. he actually died the next day. so now she's e-mailing everybody. i can handle that, and wrote something. it made me feel sad, really. she was once my best friend, and i could talk to her about anything. now i have my lj (where some things get said and some don't, and only one entry is actually private locked) and a handful of friends that get told all the nitty gritty details. i think i really did outgrow her, and that whole vacation thing was just the end of a very long death. regardless, it is kind of sad to deal with that. in my e-mail, i likened it to the pangs of a phantom limb. you know it should be there, you know that it's not, and the feeling is just odd. i am glad she's fine and not dead. that was always my biggest worry whenever i didn't hear from her in weeks. it usually meant that she was moving yet again, but i never really knew. hers was not a stable kind of life, and being a free spirit isn't always allowed in this world. yeah, she bounces back to her feet, but i think she's gotten beaten up over time. and she has the potential to be more, if only she'd use it.

but anyway. life continues, especially when your back is turned.

off to check e-mail while i file my FAFSA and TAP forms for next year...

med skool tales, it's a small world after all, gaming geekery

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