Jan 25, 2008 17:24
So my kid had a show today at school, a little song and dance deal. No big. Trouble was, it was pouring down rain and everyone on the planet was trying to drive into the school and park today for said show which resulted in a bottleneck so bad I sat for 40 minutes in the car just to park four blocks away. So of course by the time I ran him up to the classroom we were 12 minutes late. 12. The show was supposed to start in another half hour. As we're running up to the classroom (along with about 50 other kids and parents running late in the storm) the teacher pops her head out and begins to carve my kid a new one, right there in front of the kids and parents. I say, "Hey! Stop yelling at him. it's not his fault we're late!" So she starts in on me. Chewing me out that my kid is 12MINUTESLATEOMG!!!!! She does this in front of all the other parents also bringing in their kids late as well, but for some reason I'm the one she chooses to bitch out. And it's not the first time.
Few weeks ago she went off on how I hadn't turned in $5 worth of pizza money for a party me and my kid didn't know about because my kid had been out sick all week and couldn't eat pizza anyway, he's allergic. The party was the next day, so as she's chewing me out, I open my wallet to give her $5 of SHUTTHEFUCKUP money and she tells me it's "Too late, they already had to pay for it." I said, well I have to send him with a lunch tomorrow anyway because he can't eat cheese. Somehow, my failure to pay ONTIME for pizza my kid can't eat because he was out sick was the end of the f-ing world.
And there's other moments less entertaining but this bitch has been giving me and my family the stink eye ever since my kiddo started school. Granted he's a lively one, but he's not a bad kid, either. Her attitude toward me has me at rope's end. So I told my husband when he arrived at the show that he had my permission to "go ballistic" in the principal's office after the show. Which he did. Fortunately, the principal is a very reasonable person and was very concerned about the situation and we've all agreed to meet next week to "work this out." Thing of it is, I don't see where we need to work anything out woman's got a guinea pig up her ass and I don't see it migrating its way out anytime soon. I want my kid moved to a new class and away from anyone who feels they have the right to disrespect me and my child like that!
I realize teaching first grade is a pain in the ass. It's why I don't do it! But it's her chosen profession and if she can't handle it. Get a new life lady! Aagh!