Well, that was a nice surprise. I won the Fists OF Fury single off eBay last week, thinking it was just the standard UK version. I wanted the B-sides. But, I unwrap it, only to find out it's the rarer European version with the music video. WOOT!
I was outbid on an auction for this a year or two ago, and I've sulked about it ever since. Once one hasn't back up for sale. But, this just wasn't properly listed. To my good fortune :D
Obligatory crotch!shot for
freakspawn ;P
Line dancing!Tony!
OMG, blonde!Mark!
Part of 'the sand moment' ;)
Lookin' mean n' moody
You can fine all 135 cap
here Enjoy - especially you
freakspawn ;)
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:: Credit me if you take any (as either
_mysteria_ or