I like work but I am not a fan of mornings - I have to leave here by 7:35 to get there on time! And the past few days have been rather hectic trying to figure out how family plan cell phones work (apparently, they don't go interprovincially, which you only find out after you've talked to six different representatives for the company.) and getting my brother on the bus to St. Catherine's for his class-picking/orientation thing. I don't really know. I just know that I am indeed very tired at night and that maybe I should up my breakfast to two muffins. Or maybe just buy some apples or bananas or cereal to take on the way.
I'm going to be working with mostly 11-year-olds, which is older than I was hoping for but it should be fine. I have realized I do not know any camp songs, as we just sing musical songs at NMC and that's really the only kids camp I have ever been part of. And what do you sing with 11-year-olds? They're probably beyond Old MacDonald by that point.
nicolaviola? Do you have any good science-y camp songs? I'm doing well with games, so far, though. Mafia is on the approved list, even though it involves killing, so that will be fun.
I really do like work. It's just so big that it makes me wish I was back at the CDM, where 600 people are a big day, as opposed to 10,000.