Apr 14, 2003 09:02
Can you really tell the difference? Days off turn out to be nothing more than sleep and several sessions of eye opening as an interruption. Topics of the weekend: broken cars, Iceland, African mythology, the rain, the appeal of the gothic pretty boy, photographs of cat eyeballs, being drunk vs. insane sobriety, ladies with elephantitis, hermaphrodites, children with dead twins growing out of their backs, pictures of the deceased, emotional explosions, and pancake man. How is it so easy to make life sound so much more exciting in hindsight than it could have ever been when you were there and things were happening??? The monotony of work kills the soul. And one more thing...you people that are going to school in order to graduate with your degrees and get some great job are going to be real depressed once you get there. I have seen the other side, the full time life with the career that your fantastic degree can get you...and the soul-less march of every single identical week is enough to make you dig a pit in your yard and start living in it, dining alone on headless worms and the shed flakes of your own old skin. If school is fun for you keep going. Don't think it's going to necessarily be fun doing something because you have to...simply because that is the next step life dictates you must take. Find your own dictator. Your heart, the stars, the dog next door. I have started doing what my spatula tells me to do.