Mr. Postman!

Apr 30, 2008 20:46

I'm showing off my new userpic. Hahaha. I love them together. Too cute.

Anyway. Today, I turned on the shower and was about to get undressed but I was like, "Hm. I think I'm forgetting something." So I ran out of the shower and as soon as I opened the door, the doorbell rang. It kind of scared me. Hahaha. So I went to answer it...and it was a package! My Sakun mask and my Banc hoodie arrived! So when I waved bye to the postman, I went to check my other mail, and my JabbaWockeeZ shirt had arrived too! I was so excited. x]

The shirt and the Banc sweater, with the Sakun mask's can.

JabbaWockeeZ: a figment of your imagination.

Top of Banc hoodie.

The Lego man!

Mmmm, Sakun soup. Soul flavored. My favorite. :D

In addition to that, I got my Epik High CD yesterday and it's made of total awesome. I really love the tracks "Breakdown" and "The Future" and, of course, "One." Ah. I just feel so satisfied today. x]

♥ 써니

bigbang: jiyong, bigbang: seunghyun, lj: userpics, tv: abdc, fandom: general

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