Another dream/nightmare

Mar 07, 2006 13:04

First, some good news. I think I'm finally over that flu I had a couple of weeks ago. And my lungs actually feel clearer than they did before I got sick. Hooray for small miracles.

Now, as for the dream I had last night, I was still tired yesterday so I ended up going to bed at around 9PM. This time, I dreamed I was working at the zoo in the alligator pond. I was in there with a few other people when one of them shouted, "Look out! It's coming right for you!"

I look and, in the murky water, I see this dark shadow moving quickly in my direction. So I start thrashing in the water, trying to hurriedly swim away from this thing and, just as it gets REAL FUCKING CLOSE, I attempt to roll away from it.

Yeah, I tried to ROLL. While swimming in some deep ass water. Hey, what can I say? It's a dream/nightmare. It doesn't have to make sense.

Anyways, what ended up happening is I ended up ROLLING OFF MY BED onto the folding chair that I'm temporarily using as a bedside table. Ended up with two nice scratches on my back. And it woke me up. Obviously. At 2:30 in the morning.

So, I went back to sleep. Lying on my stomach. Woke up at 6.

You know? Just one of these days, I wouldn't mind getting a single night of uninterrupted sleep for about 8 hours or so. Is that too much to ask for?


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