May 02, 2006 01:07
Well, we finished laying down the bass track for Addiction, which means all we need are the guitars and we asked Justin if he would throw down some drum tracks -- he agreed and we made him a short cd with Addiction and Days on it. I'm hoping that he'll be ready to record by Sunday at the latest, but the sooner the better. I'm about done mixing Brandy's vocals... the chorus is really powerful now, they were double tracked (one has a distortion on it) and I think I'm going to experiment with adding a 3rd vocal track on the chorus and maybe layer the vocals over the verses. I still need to properly eq the bass track, but I don't think that'll be a big deal. Then Addiction will be done. Then we can concentrate on Phase 7 which still needs some love and attention... I haven't really done anything with it since doing Brandy's cool vocal stuff on the first verse.
I'm really excited right now about band stuff. Once we have a few more songs (will six be enough? I think so... I hope so) we'll have enough for a live set and we can try to play out. That's what really excites me; it's kinda like seeing how the world will react to X-Eidolon. I hope favorably. I wonder where and when the first gig will be... think playing Savvis center is shooting a little high for a first gig? =P
**4 hours later**
Ok, I went to bed at 11 last night, but woke up at 1ish, so two hours of sleep. I decided to work on the Addiction mix down. I'm in love with this song all over again! Even though we only had Rob's test take on guitars, they sound really amazing... I can't wait till we get the real thing. I think everyone is going to be super impressed when we're done with this.
Scott, you're going to hate me for this, but i need you to lay down another bass track. I realized why that one note is softer than the others... I was fuckin careless and had eq levels set on the mixer when we were recording. I should have checked that. But other than that, your bass sounds wonderful, it has such a nice bottom, and clarity... if it were a woman, i would consider dating it!
Brandy, you're still done, unless you have come up with a harmony track... which might sound kinda cool... sing along in your car and see if you can come up with anything -- for either chorus, verse, or both.
Rob, I want to try just recording a direct signal into the mixer and also through Scott's preamp -- screw mic-ing the amps, we don't have good enough mics or amps to do that. Also want to hear you playing with the preset called 'scoop', but the preset we used last time sounds really good too now that it's been mixed down... we might want to take off the delay completely, though.
If anyone has the day off today, you should give me a call and we can get your parts taken care of.