Apr 15, 2007 15:56
I am GOING to sit here and post a frickin' entry. I don't care how much Sonic Wildfire (as it should be called), Final Fantasy XII and the bright outside call me; this thing needs updatin'.
And there's that ol' line. Ah, this journal feels like home again already.
Shortest paragraph ever? I think so. Anyway, 'sall good in da hood, dude. Yeah, I talk to Jamal waaay too much. Speaking of the crazy Spaniard, work is going well. Still in the big-money "incentive period" and still AWESOME at my job. Not quite as awesome as I used to be, though, because I tend to joke around with the rest of the team now and this detracts severely from my work. Still, I'm reaching my daily targets, making no mistakes and showing other people who've been there longer how it's supposed to be done.
On the day before Good Friday (last day of the last tax year), a number of us worked 8am to 8pm. Our team leader, Paul, went out to get KFC and beers for all of us. The telephony team from around the corner came to get their share and off they went with naught but beers. Thinking they'd taken food also, we dug into what was there. Ten minutes later, telephony come back to find leftovers awaiting them. I honestly didn't care, because I was satisfactorily stuffed with KFC and Pepsi. That was a very good day.
The next day was great, too. It being Good Friday, it was a public holiday, so the whole working day was considered overtime -- which was a good thing since we finished all the outstanding cash ISA apps by 3:30. Got paid extra for working less hours AND we got pizza! I don't like to brag, but man alive, my office is cool.
There's been talk of paint ball some weekend soon. It will probably kill me, but at least my last moments will be enjoyable.
Think that was long? More to come, sukka. The band's had its first practice. Couldn't've gone any better: we made some progress and we had a LOT of fun. Afterward, it was back to my Tardis (so I'm told) house for hot dogs and chips. We seemed to have settled on the name "JEN" (Jay-Euan-Nik), when we realised that not-a-one of us can sing and play anything at all complex at the same time, so Allie was enrolled. By Loli's suggestion, I think we are now "JEAN". XD
Had a good old time with Jay, Leonard and David Fisher a while ago. Jay had come over to mine just to hang out and we went into town for him to buy a game and me to buy some Wii Points (which they were, again, out of). On our way back up, we bumped into David and Leonard on their way in for supplies for the 12-to-4am Wrestlemania show... thing. The prospect of four-player Wii was too much to pass up, so Jay and I went to collect Sonic Wildfire (which has a surprisingly fun party element to it) and the others went to get David's Wiimote. Met up at Leonard's and had us a right good laugh all night.
Allie's birthday party was yesterday. Lots of food, lots of laughs and two scooters. I knew as soon as I saw those things that I wasn't gonna be able to go a scooter, despite being really good with them as a child. Unlike Leonard last year, though, I managed to not fall over. Ho, hawd on, I just remembered I still have my bit of cake in the fridge. YASS! *Few minutes later* Mmm, cake. Anyway, Loli and I got her an obese giraffe called "Medium Tumblebum". I forgot what Allie named her (begins with an h, I think).
Earlier on yesterday, I went for my driving theory test. I got my letter through some time ago stating the address as being on Arthur Street, but me not knowing the streets of this town at all well, I just banked on my parents' confidence about knowing where the test centre was. Instead of the theory test centre on Arthur Street, we went to the TEST centre on Union Street. Needless to say, I missed my test; and I won't be getting my £21.50 back because apparently being a moron isn't a good enough reason. >_< I'm not looking forward to breaking the news to my instructor in a couple of hours.
And after that (I'm really not linking these sections on purpose, by the way), I'll be heading down to Loli's.
That's us been together over a year now. To celebrate the anniversary, I took her to the Waterline (it's near the James Watt and basically the next step up as a restaurant). We spent a lot of the day going, "A year. Man, that's fuckin' crazy!". It still feels funny saying stuff like, "We haven't done that in a year". Good-funny, though. =)
Oop, never mind about that driving lesson. My instructor just texted me saying one of his pupils hit the kerb and damaged the steering on his car. I'm guessing they broke the chassis underneath. Oh, well. Bright side: that's me up 40 quid this week. Between all the overtime I do and not wasting a penny on drink, I am so very much in da money. I love being loaded. £_£
Oh, no! I deviated from the subject at hand without using a horizontal rule! ... What's the matter with me? I'm not normally so... present-tense in my journal entries. It's normally pure retrospect and if anything happens that affects my journal, I go back and change it. Must be this weird thing I seem to have caught. What's it called? Oh, aye, a simple life. I can't be bothered coming up with a new name for my journal, though, and it does still convey my neuroticism, so even though my life as a whole is indeed simple, "Nothing's Ever Simple" is how it shall remain.
Aye, Loli! She's awesome. We've had so much fun lately. She always makes me feel like a million-and-one bucks, whether I start out in a good mood or not.
I've totally lost my thread...
Okay, I'm done now. Gonna go get my dinner, then head down to Loli's earlier than she expects and she'll be all "what're you doing here?" and happy.
Oh! Tom! I demand that you be free next weekend! Demand, I says!