
Oct 14, 2005 14:47

Y'know, occasionally when yous et your mind to it, in a good man-hating mood, you can find the best stuff.


The Dirty Rotten Bastard Files: Men Suck

Note: Names have been changed to protect the... er... innocent. Smilies have likewise been generalised.


Dramatis Personae:
DRB - Dirty Rotten Bastard, married to W
G1 - "friend" of DRB, friend to G2
G2 - friend of DRB, friend to G1
G3 - Random invite
G4 - Acquaintance of DRB
W - Wife of DRB


Act 1


(Scene 1, Day 1: Intro)

DRB: I am SO not your slave :P
G1: You so are
G1: considering...I'm queen and all
DRB: lol
DRB: *sits you on his lap* I'm not planning on bowing down to you anytime soon.
DRB: *kisses you* Nope nope
G1: Fine...*kisses back* but i will get you to bow down one day
G1: Mark my words
DRB: You'll be on your knees first, my little pet. ;)
G1: Nu uhs!
G1: Nope
G1: No way
G1: not o mores:D
DRB: Why not?
G1: Because i want you to bow down to ME not the other way around
DRB: Oh, I'll bow down to you in public... if you bow down to me in private ;)


(Scene 2, Day 5: True Love...)

G1: I dont understand it...I've never been scared when you were close to me..but whenever john got too close i would push him away same wiht any of my other exes
DRB: You really feel that safe with me?
G1: i do..
DRB: *holds you close* I love you, G1... you'll always be safe with me.
G1: I know i want to believe that..but i cant
DRB: Why?
G1: I love you too..
G1: Because you're married DRB..my heart isnt always gunna be safe in those kinds of terms
DRB: *closes his eyes and looks down* I'm sorry
G1: *tilts your chin up and kisses you softly* I love you..its okay..i understand
DRB: I can't leave my wife for someone so young and so far away... if there's ever a way for us to have a life together... I tell you I've very seriously considered leaving her for you
DRB: And I"m not saying tha tjust to make you feel better
DRB: It scares the hell out of me that I'd want to leave my wife for someone I've never even met
DRB: You okay love?
G1: Do I look okay
DRB: *cuddles you* I"m sorry
G1: for?
DRB: For not being there to hold you and wipe away your tears
G1: whatever
G1: Im fine
DRB: *kisses you softly* I know you're not, but that's okay
G1: I feel used DRB
G1: and lead on
DRB: By me?
G1: yeah
G1: by you
DRB: You're not used and led on. Everything I feel for you is real. Everything, G1. My life is in a turmoil, because I want to be with you but I can't see how when my life here is finally together. I haven't been using you for anything... I just can't resist being drawn to you
G1: mmhmm
DRB: Believe me or don't, G1.. but that's the truth. I love you, and I want to be with you. I don't know how else to convince you.
G1: I dont feel loved
DRB: *kisses you* What can I do from here, love, to change your mind?
G1: Nothing
DRB: *closes his eyes* God I'm sorry
G1: Its alright.. I understand
DRB: If we're going to find a way... it's going to be hard, G1. But I'll wait as long as I have to to have a chance to be with you.
DRB: thats really sweet DRB..
DRB: I mean every word, G1.
DRB: *looks into your eyes* Do you believe me?
G1: *kisses you softly* I do..
DRB: *kisses you back and clutches you tightly to his chest and buries his face into your hair* Thank you...
G1: I love you
DRB: I love you too, G1...
G1: *hugs you tightly* i ain't letting go
DRB: *squeezes you* me neither, G1...


(Interlude: Real Life?)

W: oooooooooooooooor I could just message you! how cool is that!? :D
W: So I'll be needign the volume control and the book from the bookshelf. I'll have a thing to play music with here now - the computer - though could you bring another pillow?
DRB: sheesh... so demanding! ;)
W: and something to set the computer on, of course :)
DRB: lol
DRB: I *might* be able to manage ;)
W: loooooooooooooooooooove you :)
DRB: Time's going to be tight, though... I'm gonna pull up and you'll need to come out and hop in... I want to get there early enough to snag some caffeine
W: cool beans
DRB: Oh, and I love you too :D
W: yay!
DRB: :) Cutie
W: don't forget we have soda here ;)
DRB: Oh, I know... I fear that wouldn't be enough
W: time for starbucks? ;)
DRB: Actually I was going to grab a pack of Amp
DRB: That shit's hardcore
W: lol
DRB: I misses you honeybun :)
W: i missses you too
DRB: Okay, I's leaving now
W: loooove you see you soon
DRB: I'll call you when I get there, so get off the 'net soon :)


(Scene 3, Day 8: Friendship Blossoms)

DRB: Hey cutie :)
G2: hey!!
DRB: Just got home :) How's it going?
G2: im sick!
DRB: awww :( I'm sorry to hear that
G2: not your fault
DRB: I konw - but that doesn't mean I can't express sympathy for your state of being
G2: and i appreciate it
DRB: Yay :)
DRB: Have fun Friday night?
G2: it was okay
DRB: Just okay?
G2: yeah
G2: nothing great
DRB: Well, as long as you somewhat enjoyed yourself. :)
DRB: Miss me?
G2: yes i did
DRB: You're just saying that. :P
G2: not uh i told G1 to msg eveyrone and tell them i missed them
DRB: awww
DRB: I feel loved <3
G2: u are!
DRB: That's moving pretty fast, considering this is only the second night we've talked :-O
G2: what i cant love you
DRB: Well, no, I didn't say THAT ;)
G2: oh okay
DRB: Anyway babe... my ass is getting up in 4 hours to go to work
DRB: So I need to get to bed
DRB: I just wanted to stop and say hi before I did :)
G2: you cant leave
G2: i never get to talk to you
DRB: I know :( I'm sorry
DRB: We'll have time, I promise
G2: okay
DRB: I just have to be at work at 6 am +o(
G2: oh okay
DRB: which sucks my ass
G2: yeah im sick and gotta work tomorrow too
DRB: When do you get home?
G2: 11:30 PM
G2: lol
DRB: lol
DRB: that's technically my bedtime
DRB: I'll try to take a nap ;)
DRB: so I can spend an hour or two with ya
G2: *jumps on ya*
DRB: lol *catches you* You're so cute, G2. :) I'm looking forward to getting to know you better. ;)


(Scene 4, Day 10: Trouble Brewing?)

DRB: Man, if G1 knew I was talking to you and seeing you on webcam and not talking to her at all she'd be so pissed off. I love being bad. :D
G2: hehe yeah well i wont say anything
DRB: I know. I like that about you. :) I'm still getting to know you but I already have the feeling that I can trust you.


(Interlude 2: Real Life?)

DRB: I loooooooooooooooove you honeybun :)
W: And I looooooooooooooooooooooooove you, too! :D


Act 2


(Scene 1, Day 11: Another Interlude?)

G3: hey DRB..
DRB: Heya cutie. :)
G3: :)
G3: hi
G3: no disply pic?
DRB: Nah. I'm too boring for that.
G3: y?
G3: u can c mine
DRB: Obviously you like skating. ;)
G3: yes i do
DRB: I dunno. Just haven't seen seen a pic that I'd like to put up there, that's all.
G3: i have lots if u want some?
DRB: ooh - who's that? lol
G3: eehhh doh u talkin to her!
DRB: wow
G3 :)
DRB: you are HOT! :O
G3: thankx
G3: u got a pic?
DRB: Anytime babe!
DRB: Yup, here -
<< Picture sent. >>
G3: u got a gf?
DRB: Not at the moment.
G3: ah...
G3: cool
DRB: lol... why's that cool? ;)
G3: donno
DRB: haha
DRB: Alright G3, whatever works. ;)
G3: ok...
DRB: So what do you do for fun? Besides skating. ;)
G3: horse ride
DRB: I've never ridden a horse before
G3: really what breed?
DRB: lol
DRB: I just told you, I've never been on one
G3: ahh
G3: i have pics of horse1........and horse2 and the other fuck
DRB: the other fuck? lol
DRB: That's his name?
G3: no
G3: i just havent been to c them in ages
DRB: ahhh
G3: they stay in a "privet stable
DRB: I see. :)
G3: wanna c horse1?
DRB: Sure!
G3: ahh and horse2
DRB: Send me all the pics you want babe :)
DRB: Wow... you have a lot of horses.
G3: yeah
G3: well 2 are my sisters
DRB: ahhh, I see
DRB: Have any pics of you you can send me? ;)
DRB: Your horses are gorgeous, btw
G3: tx
G3: i have one from newyrs where i dyed my hair brown and got brown contacts
DRB: cool - send it :)
G3: ok
<< Picture sent. >>
DRB: Wow. Simply gorgeous, G3. :)
G3: tx..
DRB: Sorry, don't mean to be so stuck on you.. lol.. you just really are very pretty
G3: tx.


(Scene 2, Day 12: Trash Talkin')

DRB: Sometimes you don't really need them... doctors are happy to drug up young people these days.
G2: yes they are
G2: i used to need them though, i was pretty fucked up
DRB: You seem to have come a long way since. :)
G2: i have because i decided i didnt wanna be that way and changed my life
DRB: *smiles softly* That's the hardest thing for anyone to do.
G2: it is but you have to really want it bad enough and then you can
DRB: *nodsnods* And you have to have the strength to get off your ass and actually DO it.
G2: yeah i was talking to someone last night about it and he was like well i cant do that, and i was kinda mean and jsut told him he was lazy, i mean i understand it is hard and changing isnt something everyone wants to do, but it doesnt mean you cant
DRB: *nods* Yeah. Anyone who says "I can't" is really saying "I won't - I want someone else to take care of me"
G2: true
DRB: My family was a lot like that... I had to do a lot to break the curse
G2: but im glad ya did
DRB: :) Thank you. I am as well.
DRB: You shoulda seen me when I was G1's age... such a different person


G2: i mean everyone goes through shit, jsut ppl tend to deal with it differently
DRB: *nods* Yeah. There's us, and then, well, not to be mean, but there's people like G1
DRB: I'm horrified at the thought of her trying to make it on her own
G2: G1 is young still though
DRB: True
DRB: But she's not exactly on the right path to do a lot of maturing over the next couple of years
G2: when i was her age i was going through the same thing, she reminds me of myself alot, we've even been through alot of the same shit, but yes ur right believe even so i was more mature about it
G2: but there is still hope for her, she needs that one big thing in life to make her change
DRB: *nods That's true
G2: she has to find her own motivation
DRB: I think she will some day
DRB: I just hope she isn't broken first


DRB: *hugs* Just out of curiousity... why are you opening up so easily to me, then?
G2: because i know you wont judge and u are understandin
DRB: :) True. I'm glad you can. Just kind of surprised me.. we haven't even known each other for a week
G2: well thats the wonderful thing of computers, people tend to be more open on them then in real life
DRB: That's very true. If we'd have met in person rather than here things would have gone very differently.


(Scene 3, Day 13: Fishing, Opening Up)

G4: i've just dated complete assholes before him too, so once i've found one who treats me well, i don't want to lose him
DRB: *nods* Too many damn dicks out there. Pisses me off. Makes us good guys look bad.
G4: yeah. he's totally cute too
DRB: Cute AND nice.. usually you have to pick one or the other. ;)
G4: sure you're excited about that part and all :P
DRB: Oh baby.
G4: lol..yeah, i thought you would be
DRB: Watch out honey, I'm totally stealing him from you.
G4: all i have are drunken pics of us too
G4: like, new years and such
DRB: LOL... I bet those are awesome, though
G4: i like one of them
G4: as a whole, they're not great. cuz one of us looks bad
G4: there's like, one cute one
G4: and one i like just cuz we're holding hands
DRB: Awww. :)
DRB: Cute.
G4: yeah, i'm a tool
DRB: lol
DRB: It's all good.
DRB: Have you even seen a picture of me?
G4: nope
DRB: Allow me to show you un-cute
DRB: lol
G4: lol...nice
<< Picture sent. >>
G4: spiffy wrist band
DRB: lol... thanks
DRB: That's the one that says "Yes, I can drink - GIMME YOUR FUCKING BEER"
G4: lol...awesome
G4: yeah, the guys showed up wearing green, so i went upstairs and changed
G4: i'm so cool
DRB: lol... awesome
DRB: You're really cute. :) Pretty much what I imagined... for some reason I thought you had longer hair, though
G4: thanks
G4: i used to have long hair
G4: chopped it off like, 2 years ago
DRB: Ahhhh, I see
DRB: I didn't know you then, so I wonder where I got that idea from
DRB: oh well
G4: meh, i dunno
G4: but yeah, i miss him
G4: i think he looks happy in that pic
DRB: You both do. :)
G4: there's another one, but we look REALLY drunk
DRB: That sounds fun.
G4: yeah. he's only been gone since monday, but i really miss him
DRB: I don't have any recent drunken pics. Just a couple from New Years 1999 when we broke into a mormon ski lodge for the night and partied. :D
DRB: *nods* I bet you do.
G4: i do tho
G4: and i feel like a tool
G4: cuz he's all down there,living his old life, and i'm up here, thinking about him all the time
DRB: He's thinking about you, too, isn't he?
G4: "but all that aside i can't believe how much i miss you.. i never really thought i could miss someone this much this fast..it's crazy"
G4: "just gotta say again how much i miss ya, you know just being able to lay there with you.. it's all i could think about on the bus..i couldn't sleep or even listen to my music"
G4: apparently
DRB: *smiles softly* You made a definite impression on him, I'd say. He may be back in his old life, but you're in his head now
G4: and he's taken to calling me "pumpkin"...
G4: so that can't be a very bad sign either
DRB: Pet names are always a good sign. :)
G4: yeah.
G4: never had one before
DRB: That's a pretty tame one, too
DRB: ;)
G4: yeah, i know
G4: but thats prolly good
DRB: What else does he do besides snowboard?
G4: not much
G4: drink apparently
DRB: So where's he make his money?
G4: oh, he'll be getting a job sometime soon
G4: working nights or something
G4: i dunno
DRB: Ahhh... *nods*
G4: yeah
DRB: Whatever makes him happy, I guess
G4: yeah, for sure
G4: i like that he has passion for things
G4: but yes, i'm totally tired so i'm going to head off to bed here
DRB: Alrighty
DRB: Take it easy, G4 :) Say hey whenever you feel like it


(Interlude 3: Real Life?)

DRB (to W): Hey cutie. :) I love you. I just wanted to tell you that, and to tell you that you'll be happy to hear that I'm off tonight, so we get to have another yummy night together. :D Love you honeybun. *kisshugssnugglesmooches*


(Scene 4, Day 18: Back to the Future)

G1: Hey
DRB: Hey baby :)
G1: *clings onto you*
DRB: *hugs you tightly*
DRB: Miss me?
G1: yeah
G1: you haveta see my hair
G1: well you missed it
G1: but i took pictures
DRB: Oooh, show me :D
<< Pictures sent. >>
DRB: Awww
DRB: That's really cute :)
G1: Hehe
DRB: So sorry I missed it
G1: you should be
DRB: I am!
DRB: haha
DRB: *hugs you tightly*
G1: Ack i look Horrible today
DRB: aww
DRB: you're cute :P
DRB: *hugs*
DRB: Anyways.. gotta go sleepy, so I can get up and do it all over again tomorrow
DRB: see you soon, babe :)
G1: Bye
DRB: Love ya *hugs*
DRB Love ya *hugs*
DRB: Love ay *hugs*
G1: beybye


DRB: aww.. isn't she a cutie
G1: `yup yup
DRB: lol... y'all look like you're having fun
G1: not really
DRB: well why not? :P
G1: she gets annoying
DRB: ahh
DRB: Well, tie her up and throw her in the closet then :P
DRB: That's what I always did to my cousins
G1: This shit makes my boobs looks small
DRB: lol... I can't tell
G1: I just shoved a heart down my shirt
DRB: Can I go get it? ;)
DRB: awww
DRB: Spoil my fun :P
G1: AHhh im being molested
DRB: She takes after you too much :P
G1: +
DRB: hahaha
G1: Its in my mouth
DRB: Mmmm... can I go looking for it there, too? ;)
G1: yes you can:P
DRB: w00!
DRB: *kisses you deeply*
G1: *kisses back*-*
G1: - -*
DRB: *smiles softly* I love you.
G1: I love you too babe
DRB: lol... I can't save you from her, sorry ;)
DRB: Your song is really cute, by the way ;)
G1: It was fun recording
DRB: I bet :)
G1: she smacked her head against mine
DRB: owie :(
DRB: Kick her ass!
DRB: lol
G1: owwie
G1: *sits on you*
DRB: *cuddles you*
G1 : I love you
DRB: I love you too babe


G1: my good mood just got squashed
DRB: ? Why?
G1: Mike
G1: as usual
DRB: aww :/
G1: ugh MEN
DRB: We can really suck sometimes, yeah.
G1: Sometimes?
DRB: *cuddles you* Even me, right now? :(
G1: yeah
G1: even you
DRB: :(
DRB: *pouts*
G1: dont pout your face will stay like that
DRB: What, just like yours? :P
G1: Screw you:P;
DRB: :D You love me. *kisses you*
G1: you're gunna get sick
DRB: *shrug* It's worth it. *kisses you again*
G1: *kisses back* DRB...i cant deal with men anymore..seriously
DRB: I don't know what to tell you, babe. :/
G1: make it better
DRB: *cuddles you* I was trying to already...
G1: awww thanks baby
DRB: Anything for you, G1
G1: awwwwwww
DRB: *sits you on his lap and cuddles you tightly*
G1: Mine
G1: :D
DRB: *smiles softly* You're so cute. *nuzzles your neck*
G1: awww thanks
DRB: Anytime love. *kisses your neck*
G1: *smiles*
DRB: It's really nice being able to wake up to you.
G1: awwww thats sooo sweet
DRB: *smiles and kisses you*

guy, problems, cheating, drb

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