oh the liiiiiiiiiiiiiiies!

Jun 30, 2010 18:54

finally heard back from the annoying interview person... they're willing to pay 5000yen per book which equates to about $60. the only problem is they told me it takes average 3 hours but sometimes it's more, sometimes less... of course i'm worried about the sometimes MORE rather than less! if i can layout a book in 3 hours, i'll be making $20/hr which is better than my part-time back home but not as good as i was making freelance at armstrong. if it takes me 4 hours it's still sorta okay? $15/hr isn't too bad but if it takes any longer i should just look into teaching/tutoring english XD

what's proper procedure for these sorta things? he asked if i were interested and that i can go in for a "trial" run under supervision... if i'm interested but after the trial (even if i do well) can i argue for a higher wage and/or turn it down? or is it assumed i'm interested, they're expecting me to take the job as is? (not that it's much of a job/the most competitive pay) i love how they advertised approx. 3000yen/hour as the wage and it's dropped like a rock (not to mention it's now lump sum per book instead of hours worked)

i will mull over this on the subway ride home XD though if they're at least flexible with my hours (as in i can go in whenever i'm free) i think i might take the job. it'll be a steady (if sometimes underpaid) source of income.

and japan is so messed up sometimes! they have bike lanes which i love (and cars go slower in general so i'd actually be more willing to bike on the street) but you can't take the bikes onto trains/buses! so while i can use it for a commute, if i wanted to go exploring in a different area, i'd have to bike my way there, bike around and then bike all the way back! i can sort of understand trains not allowing bikes, a lot of people use them so it's inconvenient if bikes are taking up the space and kinda dangerous too i guess... but buses i'd think should be okay. it could be like ttc where they have a rack or something. sometimes this country seems so ahead of the times and sometimes they're so backwards!

freelance, japan

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