May 12, 2006 01:25
I sit down to play some flash games at the library, and the next thing I know it's three hours later and the library's about to close! How did that happen?
The results are in: Three A's, one B. Not bad at all. Amazingly, the more stressful the semester was, the better my grades got.
I seem to have a nice part time work plan laid out until I can get a long term job. One possibility, pending approval is to work a number of part time shifts for different departments at college adding up to a full time schedule. It could be a nice fit, perhaps leading to something more permanent. But it's all speculation right now.
Somehow, I've been tricked into volunteering to help pick up trash all day Saturday at the Indy 500. Yay.
I'm going to the big race itself later this month. I'm no gearhead, but it's definitely the best sports venue I've ever had the pleasure of attending. Watching it on TV really doesn't do justice to the racing experience. You have to actually be there to really appreciate what's going on. The sheer size of the track, the deafening sound of the engines, and the speed of the cars involved in the event doesn't come out in the TV broadcast.
With regards to other more personal issues, I'd appreciate your prayers, I think a few might discern what it is I'm praying about, but a few things are coming to a head and it's high time I actually dealt with them. My excuses have run out.