End of year meme

Dec 23, 2010 01:57

Stolen from
a_white_rain and a bunch of other people since.

1. Your main fandom of the year: Didn't have any as such. I wandered between watching anime series, reading original slash, and reading comics. Weird year in a way.

2. Your favorite Film this year: hummm Sherlock Holmes? Watched very little movies this year, and very little of what I watched was awesometastic.

3. Your favorite Book read this year:... hesitating between Cyteen by CJ Cherryh and First Against the Wall by Manna Francis.

4. Your favorite Album or Song this year: Oh, I dunno. Let's say Red Moon by Kalafina.

5. Your favorite TV Show this year: The Good Wife for live action, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood for animation.

6. Your favorite LJ Community this year: gayreign for providing the kind of smutty fanfics I had almost forgotten I loved that much, and because the stupid name still makes me grin.

7. Your best new Fandom Discovery of the Year? Online original fiction! Some of them are actually REALLY FUCKING GOOD. Thanks

8. Your biggest Fandom Disappointment of the Year? Hmmm no huge disappointment i can remember, but I was quite disappointed by Shiki overall despite it being scripted by Fuyumi Ono. Also Durarara!!'s second cour.

9. Your TV Fannish Boyfriend of the year: I think I'm going to stick with Hei of Darker Than Black. Mostly because Oz is wayyyyy too young for me. :p

10. Your TV Fannish Girlfriend of the year: Kalinda of the Good Wife definitely sticks out. So does Renee Montoya, but I need to read moar so I could keep next year's spot for her :D

11. Your biggest Squee moment of the year? House of the Five Leaves getting an awesome anime adaptation by Manglobe. And the whole of The Middleman.

12. Your most Missed Old Fandom? Buffy the Vampire Slayer, oddly enough.

13. Your Fandom that you haven't Tried Yet, but want to?... I don't think I have anything like that?

12. Your Biggest Anticipations of the New Year? Continuing reading comics; and hopefully finding well stock fandoms for them and the characters/pairings I like in them!

Last year's meme for reference: http://etrangere.livejournal.com/324785.html#cutid1

comments at the original post on Dreamwidth

meme: fandom

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