C25K - Week 6, Day 1

Oct 03, 2014 20:57

Night run. The cool air felt so good on my face. Starting about halfway through, once I had a good sweat going.

I ran through town again. I got farther than last time, but then again it was for a longer time. 5 minutes walking, 5 minutes running, 3 minutes walking, 8 minutes running, 3 minutes walking, 5 minutes running, 5 minutes walking.

I was feeling strong at the beginning, so I increased the pace of my first run. Then my stomach hurt a little bit for the rest of the time, so I thought I had overdone it, and I slowed down for my 2 later runs. But I got through it all, and now I see that maybe I should have been running at the faster pace from the beginning. We'll see how Sunday goes.

Sunday I'm also going apple picking at Riamede. I'm looking forward to that.

I'm not sure how I will do my runs once I am full-time at Rosco. Maybe run Sunday mornings, Tuesday nights, and Thursday nights? I really don't think it's realistic to say I'll be able to run on workday mornings.

Today I left my house at 7am (well, that's the time I left the Bloomfield gas station) and still got to work just at 9. That's some bullllll. There was an accident on the Tappan Zee or something. But I think I need to leave even earlier than 7 to be on the safe side. Ugh. I can't wait to move closer.

The first day went well I think! The morning was a lot of introductions and sitting around watching training videos. The afternoon was a lot of shadowing the other customer service reps. Lauren's being really great. And Gianna and Gina, the rest of the department, were also helpful and nice. The day was a bit overwhelming, but I think I will be ok.

NHS podcast

c25k, exercise, running

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