Title of the art: Clockwork Heart
Title of the Story: Noise in the Machine
dollarformyname I have no links yet, because my author is supposed to post around midnight. I can't give a summary either because dollarformyname changed the story she was supposed to write so I'm in for a surprise.
This is the principal banner. I created everything in it except for the huge gears at the back.
Originally, another author claimed my story but she had to withdraw, and I really hope we'll get to work together again. When she send me a summary of the story she wanted to write, there was a robot dog in it, and I had to draw it. Luckily, when the new author picked up the art, she saw the dog and decided to keep it. I made it in an ending banner for her. Again, everything in the art is my creation, colored on paint.net from a sketch.
The whole idea for the art came from a drawing I made first, which is the robot/Jensen head. Warning: it's not been polished. Everything is from me except from the gears coming out of the head. I used it to make an icon for
dollarformyname And finally, I made some scene divisers showing Jared, Jensen and the dog making their way through a devastated landscape, which was what the story was a about. I used and modified silhouette vectors and the background is from a royalty free photo of a city post WW II I found on the net. Below is the originial and the scene divisers in different colors and shades.
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