The Letter Meme: O_o

Feb 14, 2015 09:04

I asked a letter from the lovely yohkobennington and she gave me the "O". Which, girl, you do no it's not an easy letter, right? ;-)

Something I hate: Oysters. I mean, seriously, the slurping sound? The texture? *shivers* The only time I ever had sympathy for oysters, they ended up eaten by the Walrus and the Carpenter. That part of Alice in Wonderland -the Disney Movie, remember, the oysters were all wearing cute little hats- gave me nightmare for years as a child.

That is seriously f**ked up.

Something I love:Dean's "O" face. I know, it's a stretch, but come on!

You're welcome.

Somewhere I've been: Old Orchard Beach (double "O", do I win something?). It was during the fall, my friend and I were on this road trip -my first time in the US- visiting the state where most of Stephen King's universe is settled. I loved Portland. The beach was grey, the clouds hanging heavy in the skies, dark blue and ready to burst. The wind was blowing, strong and cold. It was wonderful.

Somewhere I'd like to go:Orford, Suffolk, England. It's a small town (I look on Wikipedia to find and English town starting by "O". ;-). But anywhere in England, really, I've been dreaming about visiting England since I was a little girl. Maybe someday...

Someone I know: I know an Olivier (the french version of Oliver) and an Ophélie (like the Shakespeare character) but seriously, french first name starting by "O" are very, very rare.

A film I liked: That was tricky. I'm a huge horror movie fan so I was desperately looking for a horror movie starting with the letter "O". Occulus, which maybe has its flaws but the cinematography is great, the concept original and I love Karen Gilian. One missed call, not the bad american remake but the original japanese Takashi Miike movie. The Orphanage. I love horror movies that have more than one level: if I'm scared AND I cry watching a horror movie, it's a win.

That's it. If you want a letter, just let me know. Well. That was fun!


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