Under Your Wings -Chapter 1

Feb 05, 2015 22:45

Title: Under Your Wings
Pairing: J2
Summary: Jared, a weredragon, and Jensen, a human, are happily married. They know they have little to no chance to have a child of their own and have settled for adoption. The thing is, if reproduction between weredragons and humans is rare, it's not impossible. Life is sometimes full of suprises.
Rating:Nc-17 for language, mpreg and sexytimes. No bestiality.
Word count: I'm guessing around 20-30 k
Disclaimer: This is as far from reality as can be. I make no profits with it. The story is my intellectual property, please ask before sharing on websites other than livejournal. Thank you!

a/n: Thanks to my friend disneymagics for her support, thanks to the awesome firesign10 for the quick and excellent beta work and the cheers.

This banner was made as an artist entry for the reversebang. However, the author posted an incomplete fic and never wrote back to the reversebang mods. I was then allowed to write the story myself. Guys, I felt really bad when some of you commented on the art and were so excited to read the story, so this is me making it up to you.



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Under your Wings


Jared and Jensen got married in February, in a very intimate ceremony with around fifty guests, where they exchanged vows, and then withdrew to a small reception in a nearby restaurant. The same evening, they left Boston to go spend a week at the Great Brewster Island, owned by the Padaleckis and two other weredragon families. They held another ceremony there, following the weredragon traditions, where Jared’s parents and sister shifted and flew together under the grey sky to Jensen’s amazement. He had seen Jared in his dragon form multiple times, but to see his whole family aloft, that was another thing entirely. He kissed Jared and told him to join them in the sky. His husband was a powerful dragon with large wings made of grey membrane scattered by blue and green spots. He rose up high in the air, swirling past his sister’s slightly smaller frame, with the same enthusiasm he put in everything he did.

Holy shit, Jensen thought, looking up in the skies with a hand over his eyes to protect them. I married a weredragon.

They bought a house half an hour away from the city, in a quiet area near a large park where Jared would be able to fly any time he wanted to. The Padaleckis had a cottage on Great Brewster Island, ready for them any time they wanted to visit, or when Jared needed to be close to his dragon side. Jensen was twenty-five and working as a nurse for two retirement homes. Jared was twenty-four and had started his own business with his friend Genevieve, a catering service that specialized in meals for weredragons. Not that weres and humans didn’t eat basically the same food, but weredragons were especially fond of spicy, strong-tasting meals, with lots of meat. Jared and Gen’s little business was doing well, although Jared had to work countless hours and they couldn’t spend as much time with each other as Jensen would have liked. Still, they were a solid couple who were crazy in love with each other, and that was enough.

They had learned early in their relationship that they wouldn’t be able to have children of their own. Jensen was a carrier, but an interspecies reproduction with weredragons was, although not completely unheard of, still an exception. They would have had a better chance if Jensen had any were genes, whether it be werewolves or werecats, transmitted through either side of the family. Some were-species were more compatible with humans, mostly primate and large mammals, but Jensen had looked at his family history and there hadn't been any interspecies breeding in the last four generations.

To tell the truth, Jensen didn’t really mind. He liked the idea of having kids, but as he had told Jared, there were plenty of children that needed parents. Adoption was definitely in his sights. Jared was basically right there with him, although Jensen knew he had more trouble accepting the reality of adopted progeny. Weredragons were close-knit families, and passing their knowledge and biological heritage through the next generation was important. It was his instinct speaking. His disappointment didn’t last long, though. Jared was a generous and kind man. “I’ve been selfish,” he told Jensen. “Because there are so many orphans out there, so many kids in need, and I can provide them a good environment to grow up. That’s the way to go, Jensen.”

They decided to give themselves three years before considering the idea of adopting more seriously. They were still young, after all. They wanted to take time for themselves before starting a family. They also needed money, and a good profile for the social service if they wanted to have a chance. Being a solid, established couple, eventually married, would play in their favor.

Meanwhile, though, they didn’t think about it too much. Well, Jensen didn’t and he knew Jared well enough to feel they were on the same page. They had each other, and it was enough.

Chapter 1

For their second wedding anniversary, Jared and Jensen want to keep things simple. The fact that Jensen has his night off in the middle of the week is already something to be celebrated. He'd accepted the position of head night nurse at the Whispering Willows Retirement Home three months ago, tired of working at two different places. He’d been assured by his superior that it wouldn’t last more than two years before he could have a permanent position on the evening or day team, and he has one weekend off out of two. He’s still having a hard time adjusting. An old nurse once told him that no matter how long you work the night shift, your body never really get used to it, and Jensen now understands what she meant.

Jared and he see even less of each other because of their demanding schedules, and they’ve decided that as long as Jensen works nights exclusively, they would postpone their adoption project. Luckily, they get along so well they still make their relationship work.

This, for instance; Jared and him sharing a meal in their favorite restaurant, chatting about their day, laughing and goofing around like two teenagers? It's enough. And seeing the way Jared’s eyes shine under the soft light? Yes... It’s all Jensen needs.

Licking at his spoon after he’s finished his chocolate cheesecake, Jared makes an obscene, satisfied noise. “Gosh. Wish I had this recipe.”

“You don’t need it,” Jensen points out, pushing his half-finished crème brulée toward his husband. "Yours is sensational already."

“Aww, come on.”

Jared is always very modest when it comes to his catering service, but Jensen is proud and he knows how hard Genevieve and Jared have worked to establish themselves in the business. They now have four full-time employees, and their reputation is still building. Jared is the chef. He supervises every recipe, he creates new ones. Jensen is always the first one to test them, and he has come to really appreciate weredragon delicacies.

Jared finishes the dessert and grabs Jensen's hand over the table, smiling at him. “Okay, I know you’re not a fan of long, cheesy love declarations, so let’s get home so I can fuck you silly to celebrate our anniversary, how does that sound?”

Jensen snorts and feels a blush crawling up his cheeks. “That sounds fantastic.”

Jared winks at him.

They stumble in the kitchen, still shivering from the cold, grabbing at each other and trying to kiss while taking off their winter coats. Jared knocks a chair down, Jensen bumps against the fridge’s door, they snicker very quietly, as if there is someone else in the house they might disturb.

“Bedroom?” Jared asks.

“Yeah, before we get seriously hurt,” Jensen answers.

They climb the steps to the second floor holding hands. In their room, Jensen makes a show of undressing himself while Jared looks at him, mouth slightly opened, eyes attentive and hot.

“Come on,” Jensen coaxes, kneeling on the bed while fisting his cock softly. “Do it.”

“Yeah?” Jared smiles, pulling his shirt off, then his jeans.


“You know I can’t resist you when you’re dressed, imagine when you’re naked.”

Jensen winks at him, giving his dick a more forceful stroke. He’s always felt at ease with Jared, free of any inhibitions. Maybe it’s his husband's natural character that had allowed it in the first place, had given Jensen the space and love he needed to be comfortable with himself. Only then was it easier for him to open to others. Weredragons are known to be exuberant people, and if the cliché surely isn’t always true, it fits Jared perfectly. His presence is always surrounded by energy, even when he isn’t doing anything. That’s the first person you notice when entering a room -and no, it’s not because the man is basically a giant. It’s more than that. It’s like Jared is surrounded by an aura that spreads and touches everyone around him.

Or maybe Jensen is just head-over-heels gone for him. Has been since the first time they had met, on the subway. Jared had stepped on Jensen’s foot while trying to make his way inside the car. He’d apologised intensely to Jensen, who had blushed to the tip of his ears at this Greek god paying attention to him. It had made Jared worried about his health. “Are you alright? It’s hot in here, you look hot... Well, I mean, you look like you... I’ll shut up. We should sit.”

Jensen will never forget the chat they had in the subway, and that he had passed his station without noticing it, until they had reached the end of the line and Jared had wondered where he was going. When Jensen had told him, Jared had frowned. “That was three stops ago.”

“I forgot. We were... talking,” Jensen had mumbled.

“That’s the nicest thing a handsome man has ever done for me, forgetting to get out of the train,” Jared had said, smiling hesitantly.

It had been an adorable way to reveal his sexual orientation, and Jensen had smiled so wide he thought he might have pulled a muscle.

“Thank you. I always pull that trick with guys I like,” he had replied, so eager to say that YES, YES! he too was gay, that he had completely forgotten to be embarrassed.

Then, well, they had never really left each other after that.

“Jen ? Do you need some time alone?”

Jared is now completely naked, his impressive cock half hard between his legs. Jensen realizes he has drifted off, his hand still wrapped loosely around his shaft. “Was thinking about when we met in the subway,” he admits, sitting back on his heels.

Jared smiles playfully. “Are you, Jensen Ackles, going all romantic on my ass?”

“Maybe. So… I’m waiting…”

Jared huffs and rolls his eyes, but it’s only for show. He takes a deep breath and lowers his head, his long bangs falling on his face. Jensen waits in expectation: as always, the sound of Jared’s wings tearing off his skin and appearing behind him, stretched and shaking, makes the want in his belly urgent and fierce. Jared as a dragon is impressive, with his black scaled skin and long tail, but this hybrid between human and beast is Jensen’s favorite form. Not all weres are able to achieve it, and if they can, it's to different degrees. Jared is beautiful, his strong, perfect human body contrasting with those wings, pearly blue pointy fingernails, and those eyes… The same color, but catlike, pupils reduced to vertical slits.

“Yeah…” Jensen murmurs, sliding his other hand up his stomach, teasing himself until he can brush his fingertips over his nipples, shivering at the sensation.

“Okay, I need to touch you, now,” Jared breathes out, kneeling on the bed in front of Jensen, who’s more than happy to comply.

He lies on his back and bends his legs, exposing himself to his husband. Jared makes a noise close to a growl and leans forward, his large hands pushing Jensen’s thighs against his stomach as he shoves his face between his legs, nuzzling at Jensen’s hole.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Jensen encourages him, grabbing a fistful of hair and pushing Jared’s head against his ass. He keeps teasing his nipples, letting out constant moans. Jared loves it when Jensen is noisy, and if at the beginning of their relationship, he had trouble letting go, he had soon discovered that he loves being noisy too. Loves giving everything up so that Jared can play him like an instrument.

And, god, does he ever. The rimming he submits Jensen to might be the death of him, and it goes on forever, until Jensen’s a quivering mess, pleading to come, but Jared won’t have it. He tugs on Jensen’s balls and lifts his head, winking at him. There is a faint blush rising from his chest to the tip of his ears, he’s covered in sweat, his mouth swollen from the rim job, and he’s never been more beautiful, his wings hovering over the both of them.

“Fuck me, then,” Jensen pants, trying to regain some of his control.

“Yeah, okay.”

Jared doesn’t waste time opening him up with his fingers. As a bearer, Jensen self-lubricates, and he’s already wet down there with a mix of fluid and saliva. Wet and desperately empty, even with two of Jared’s fingers stroking his prostate. “Come on,” Jensen complains. “I can take it, come on, need it.”

Without further hesitation, Jared lodges the tip of his dick in Jensen’s entrance while Jensen holds his legs up, his thighs quivering from exhaustion. He barely feels the pain, and when Jared bottoms out, so deep, so big inside of him, his wings flap with a loud whooshing noise. Jensen wraps his legs around his lover’s waist, his arms around his neck, tilting his hips up.

“Give it to me,” he pleads in a gravelly voice he can barely recognise.

Jared crushes his mouth against Jensen’s and starts pounding into him, hard. Neither of them is going to last long, and Jensen doesn’t care. He wants Jared to fill him up, wants to drip for hours afterward, because Jared, half shifted, comes longer than when in his human form, and the come that will soon fill Jensen is a lot more than human, with this slightly hot feeling to it Jensen can’t get enough of.

Predictably, he orgasms a few minutes later, when his cock brushes against Jared’s stomach. He screams Jared's name without any shame, scratches his back, and then, finally, Jared comes too, and it’s overwhelming how intense Jensen feels, like his orgasm can’t reach its peak, like it’s still building until it painfully explodes out of him, leaving Jensen out of breath with white dots flashing in and out of his vision.

Someone’s whining. And it’s him.

Jared is shaking against him, his head shoved in the crook of Jensen’s neck, sucking at the skin there softly. “Love you so much,” he murmurs.

“Love ya too,” Jensen slurs.

He wants to let sleep take him with Jared still inside him. Two years of marriage, plus the year before that, and it’s like the first time every time they make love. Jensen still can’t believe his luck.

Three Months Later

Jared stirs in his sleep, waking up to the familiar sounds of Jensen coming back from work. His husband’s routine is always the same. He starts the coffee maker, then takes a quick shower and has breakfast, eyelids heavy and eyes rimmed red, always a little pale. He’ll go to sleep around nine, when Jared is ready to leave for work himself.

Jared rolls out of bed and stretches. He wants to have this quiet moment with his husband in the morning. Too many nights sleeping alone, and with Jensen’s state right now, they need to talk.

Jared knows what it's like to work so hard there’s nothing left to give when you get home. He knows he has to be patient and let Jensen settle in his new routine, giving him space and time to adjust. Except… it’s been six months since he’s taken the night shift job, and it seems to be getting worse instead of better.

In the kitchen, he finds Jensen looking down at his coffee mug with a disgusted expression. His jam-covered toast is intact as well. Jensen’s eyes are glassy, underlined with dark circles. His left leg is shaking, like it does every time he’s stressed or worried.

Jared walks up behind him and drops his hand on his shoulders, kissing the top of his head.

“Tough night?”

“Yeah…” Jensen trails off. “We lost Mrs. Gibson. Again. It took me two damn hours to find her.”

Jensen deals with a lot of Alzheimer patients, some of them still in good shape physically, although they are so confused they become a danger to themselves and others. This Mrs. Gibson has taken up the habit of wandering around during the night, completely naked. His family has refused to allow an order for her to wear a restriction belt during the night. They even signed legal papers stating that they would not hold the nursing home responsible for any accident. It frustrates Jensen, although he says he understand the family’s point of view. “I still feel responsible,” he’d told Jared more than once. “I won’t let that poor woman wander around, scaring other patients or worst, escaping the building. Wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”

“Where was she?” Jared asks, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

“She was sitting in the rocking chair of Mrs. Green, two floors down, humming a song. Thank god Mrs. Green sleeps like the dead. It was kind of creepy.”

Jensen sighs, then takes his coffee cup between his hands, lifting it to his mouth. A second passes before he drops it abruptly and runs out of the kitchen.

Jared finds him in the bathroom, kneeling in front of the toilet, throwing up. He wets a towel and put it on Jensen’s neck, then waits. Jensen doesn’t like to be taken care of. It’s gotten worse in the past month or so. Jensen can’t stand Jared hovering over him.

“What is it this time?” Jared asks, trying to keep the sarcasm out of his voice.

“Oh, shut up,” Jensen mumbles, dragging himself up on quivering legs.

He rinses his mouth in the faucet while Jared stares at him, mouth hanging open. Jensen never talks to him like that. The “shut up” is not playful or exasperated -it’s brutal, harsh.

“Jen, what the fuck?”

“Why don’t you get off my back, Jared?” Jensen snaps, passing in front of him to exit the bathroom.

Jared follows him up the stairs, then in their bedroom.

“I’m on your back because I care about you!”

“Yeah, yeah,” Jensen grumbles, grabbing the pillows discarded on the floor.

“Hey, are you messing with me? You’re exhausted. You’ve lost your appetite. When you’re not throwing up, you barely eat. You sleep twelve hours in a row, you’re…”

“I’m what?”

“Do you know how long it’s been since we’ve had sex?”

Jensen snorts and opens the closet, taking out a folded comforter and another pillow there. “Oh, okay, is this about sex? You have blue balls or something?”

“No,” Jared replies in frustration. “You’re not okay, man. This job, it’s making you sick.”

“I don’t have any other choice,” Jensen replies, arranging the sheets, their comforter, plus the other one he just took out on his side of the bed. He then surrounds it by pillows. It’s a strange arrangement, but Jensen’s sleeping habits have changed since he’s working nights. What’s another new ritual, really?

“You can quit.”

“Oh, and you’re going to pay the bills, keep me home so that I can cook and clean and-“

“Holy shit, what’s gotten into you? I never… I can’t… You know what, I’m not even going to answer to that. I’m worried, because I love you and I hate seeing you like this. That’s all there is to it.”

Jensen sits amongst the pillow. He lowers his head, bites his bottom lip. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs.

“Yeah, well, we need to talk about this, because you can’t go on like that, Jen.”

“What do you mean?” Jensen looks up at Jared through his thick eyelashes. Jared sees insecurity and fear in them. This is all so un-Jensen like.

“I mean I want you to feel better, I want you to be happy, it,” Jared says softly.

“It’s not that simple,” Jensen says in a defeated voice.

He’s exhausted. Jared sighs, dragging his fingers through his hair. “You sleep, and we’ll talk this afternoon when I’ll get back. If there is anything you need, call me.”

“Okay,” Jensen says in a feeble voice, burying himself under the comforters.

Jared looks at him in silence for a long time. Then, reluctantly, he closes the door behind him and gets ready for work.

Jared knows better than to call during the day to disturb Jensen’s sleep. He’s preoccupied, though, barely able to concentrate on anything. Genevieve finds him in the kitchen past three o’clock in the afternoon, baking a batch of brownies. That’s Jared’s go-to recipe for comfort, for himself as well as for the ones he loves.

“Hey. Is that recipe almost done?”


Gen tousles Jared’s hair and bumps his shoulder. “Come on, I’m taking you out.”


“It’s a beautiful day, you’re baking brownies, which means there is still something going on between you and Jensen. I’m taking you to the park. Stretch our wings a little. It’ll do you some good.”

“But tonight’s command-“

“Matt can handle it.”

Jared would probably fight more, if he didn’t feel so bummed out. Genevieve is his best friend, they grew up together, spending their summers on Great Brewster Island, flying side by side while Jared’s little sister was trying to keep up. Gen is his confidant, always has been, and she knows how worried he is right now.

The park is almost empty at this hour. Jared and Genevieve undress in their respective cabins. Genevieve comes out first, her lean, elegant green dragon frame sliding under the sun as she walks on her four short legs and stretches her wings, almost translucent in the sunlight. Jared follows. He’s big, even considering dragon standards. It feels so good to let his wild side out, to growl at the sky and feels the familiar burn of the fire swelling in his throat. He tries to empty his mind and just feel, the air on his scales, the vibrating membranes of his wings trying to catch any draft that could lead him up.

Genevieve gives a strong stomp on the ground and rises, in a vertical position. Without holding himself back, Jared follows her.

Genevieve decides to follow Jared home. He hesitated, but after everything he had said about his husband, he knows she’s worried as well and needs to see with her own eyes. “He’ll still be sleeping, and when he wakes up, I’ll just have a peek, say I was on my way and leave you guys alone.”

To tell the truth, Jared is relieved. He’s not used to seeing Jensen like this, wonders if he could suffer from professional exhaustion, if this can head straight into depression. Gen will probably reassure him, tell him that his husband just looks tired, that’s all.

Jared sure hopes so. Jensen is the one who keeps him grounded, not the other way around. Jensen is reasonable, pragmatic, and always ready to fix problems before they become too big. Jared wears his heart on his sleeve, like his mother says. Which really means that he gets emotional and irrational about the smallest things. He needs his husband to balance him. He doesn’t know how things are supposed to work the other way around.

The house is quiet. It’s four o’clock in the afternoon, which means Jensen is going to wake up soon. Jared makes some tea and shares a cup with Genevieve, sitting at the kitchen’s counter. He’s physically drained, but his mind is going in every direction. After a while, Genevieve stops trying to make conversation.

One hour later, Jared abruptly stands up, pushing his chair on the floor with a loud creak. “I’m going to check on him. He doesn’t usually sleep this late.”

“I’m coming with you.”

“No,” Jared murmurs, like they’re already in the bedroom. “He’s going to think we’re creeping up on him.”

“He won’t. I just want to see him, make sure he's okay. Then I’m out.”

Jared glares at Genevieve who stoically stares back. He sighs. “Okay, then...”

On the second floor, Jared practically tiptoes to the room, then turns the knob with caution and opens the door about ten centimeters wide. Jensen’s still sleeping, he can tell just by the way his husband is breathing. He’s tucked in on himself, surrounded by the pillows and comforters, his hair a golden brown mess peeking out of the sheet.

Genevieve pushes Jared so that she can have a look too. She freezes in place, frowning.

“What?” Jared mouths silently.

She keeps frowning until Jared takes her by the arm to pull her back so that he can close the door.

Jared waits until they’re back in the stair to ask. “What?” He repeats.

“Nothing, it’s...” Genevieve shakes her head. “He always sleeps like that?”

“What do you mean?”

“All those blankets and pillows and...”

“No. It’s funny, right? It started maybe two weeks ago. I don’t know, maybe he’s trying to find a better way to sleep? He told me, sleeping during the day, even if the sun’s blocked out, it doesn’t feel like sleeping during the night. He’s...”


Genevieve stops at the bottom of the stairs and grabs Jared’s arm.


“You know whom I saw sleeping like this not so long ago?”


“My sister,” Genevieve says in a dramatic voice.

Jared can’t figure out where the conversation is going.


“My sister. Holy shit, Jared, are you a weredragon or not?”

“What do you say?”

“Obviously, he’s nesting. Come on! I can’t believe you haven’t figured it out.”

Jared knows what nesting means. He’s not an idiot. But thinking that Jensen...

The pillows, the comforters, the way he tucks himself in the middle of it.


The morning sickness, dizzy spells, tiredness and...

“Whoa,” Jared grunts, leaning against the wall.

“Well, he is a carrier,” Genevieve says. “You told me about all those symptoms, and I thought about it but I figured hey, they must have ruled that possibility out.”

“We can’t...”

“No, reproduction between weredragons and humans is not impossible, it’s simply very rare. There’s a difference. Unless you tell me you use protection and-“

“Why would we? We can’t-“ Jared repeats with stubbornness.

“Oh, but I think you guys did it. I’m betting twenty dollars you got your husband pregnant.”

Jared feels a little dizzy. Okay, a lot. He sits on the stairs and tries to catch his breath.

“But weredragons are nesting, not... humans.”

“Well, he’s pregnant with a weredragon, and he might have some weredragon genes.”

“No one in his family has ever...”

Genevieve rolls her eyes and sits next to him. “Come on, Jared, did you get the genetic test done?”

“Of course we didn’t. Who does?”

The genetic tests are still a not so exact science. It’s a way to find recessive were genes in humans, but the results can’t be absolute, they are given in percentages. This is without taking into account how expensive they are. Jensen and he had decided not to go through with it early in their relationship. What if the results had showed that Jensen had a five percent chance of possessing were genes? It might have given them false hope. They both knew that the possibility of actually making a kid together was close to none, and they had decided to let it be.

“So, what are you gonna do?” Genevieve asks softly, rubbing soothing circles on the small of Jared’s back.

“The hell if I know. With the way Jensen acts these days, I don’t even know how to bring up the subject without getting shut down.”

“He’s pregnant. It’s not exactly bad news, right?”

“Who’s pregnant?”

Jared literally jumps, hearing Jensen’s gruff, sleepy voice. Then he stands up quickly -too quickly, like he’s been caught doing something forbidden, facing Jensen who’s rubbing at his eyes and holding onto the railing.

“I better go,” Genevieve says as quickly as Jared stood up.

“Seriously, guys, who’s pregnant?” Jensen asks again.

Genevieve smiles reassuringly at Jared, then bids Jensen a quick goodbye, running off down the stairs and out the door. Jared stares daggers after her for leaving him alone to break the news.

“Huh... You? Maybe?” Jared tries a smile that feels like a grimace.

“Am I still asleep?” Jensen asks, except it’s more of a reflection than a question.

Jared takes a deep breath. “We should go sit in the kitchen.”

This is going to be a long conversation.

Chapter 2
_ _ _

mpreg!jensen, weredragon, j2 au, h/c

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