(no subject)

Mar 03, 2008 00:26


I pretty much love my baking class. It was all lecture for the first 4 weeks, but now we're actually doing stuff. And it's just so much fun. I love the people in my lab group. No one really stresses out or anything, and everyone really brings something to the table. Each class we're making like 4 or 5 different things, so it can be a little hectic, but it's still cool and fun. And the stuff we've made so far has been amazing. Pecan Pralines, Almond Buttercrunch (which is like Almond Rocha), Fudge, graham cracker, marshmallows (and we made s'mores haha), raspberry-filled chocolates, etc. I love it.

How the class goes is that there are 4 sections. The Candy and Pastry group, cake group, bread group and plated dessert group. Right now I'm in the candy group...if you couldn't tell. lol. I'm really looking forward to the plated dessert group cause you get to work on presentation and make everything look pretty. lol. Each group is 3 weeks, and then at the end of the 3 weeks we have to turn in a project. We have to make a menu with items from the group. Candy from the candy group, bread from the bread group, you get it. Basically we have to pick a season and choose whatever we want that fits into that category. We have to make a booklet with the recipes, the production schedule, and the ingredient order. It's a little scary cause I'm still not sure what I want to do for this group, and it's due on Thursday.

At the end of the semester I think I'll make a picture post and show you all what we've made in class. lol

Work's been alright. This past friday and saturday just wiped me out completely. On Friday the day started out with a 7th grader job shadowing, so that kinda slowed me down and I got behind on getting everything ready in the store. And then out of nowhere it was crazy busy for the rest of the day. Originally Jim wasn't gonna be there, but thank god he was, cause if I had to deal with all those people by myself until 3 (when the 2nd person came on) I would have cried. The good thing about that day though is I got 22 bucks in tips. So that made it better. lol.

And then Saturday was just a different story. Last week I told Rick (one of the shift leaders) that I'd cover his shift on Saturday night cause he was in Hawaii and didn't think his flight would get back in time. I had totally forgotten that I had my cake shift on Sat afternoon. So I talked to Jim and he suggested that I do my cake shift at night while shift leading at the same time. So that's what I did. And that was a new challenge. lol. I got there at 4 and started with cakes. I found out there was a special order cake due at 5:30, which usually isn't a problem if I do my cakes in the afternoon. So when I actually saw the order form it was already 4:30, so I had to quickly take the cake out of the pan, melt the ganache, set everything up to decorate it and then actually decorate it. I think I had finished with the cake maybe 10 minutes before it was picked up. lol. So just starting my shift out like was a little stressful. And then there was this new girl, Dena, who is one of the slowest people ever! And she just made so many mistakes that was making my night even more stressful. So we got hella backed up on dishes and cleaning and everything and got out of there kinda late. There wasn't really a silver lining to Saturday night cause I didn't take any tips, since I barely helped out with the customers. Actually it was fun working with Lexi and Kiara...they can always make a shift fun. lol.

Today was my lazy day. I woke up at 1ish and stayed in my pjs all day. It was very nice. Just a little boring. lol

I've recently gotten hooked on Sex and the City (thanks to Gi lol)...and now I cannot wait for the movie!

Another thing I cannot wait for is all of my shows to start showing their new episodes again. I'm so glad the writer's strike is over.

Yeah k that's it.
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