Oh no they didn't! Supernatural 9.09

Dec 05, 2013 20:39

they killed Kevin. :( Man, that was really sad. I've wanted to write more, but I have to do this thing called work and it is really harder than it has ever been. Any how, I did really enjoy the episode and I think that the writers really made it happen! Wow, that's the team that doesn't always succeed.

So I looked back in my posts and on October 14 I wrote that I did not think Zeke was really who he said he was. so that reveal was not shocking. I can live with it being Gadreel, especially since he is looking for redemption. Metatron played him and thus, although I adored Kevin, I can forgive Gadreel for doing what he did.

That said, given the preview it looks like they might make Gadreel leave Sam right away. I hope not. Let Jared act his ass off (he's been amazing) and keep it interesting.

I think that this mid-season answered little. Now we have more info: a new angel faction, what is Metatron's real goal, and the big question....what the heck is Abbadon up to???

The best part is knowing that there are still 14 episodes left to tell this story.

Oh, so I wanted to add that I think Gadreel took over around the time that Sam and Dean met with Cas at the biker bar. I think Jared played some subtle looks and it seems that's when the act began.

And now to my pictures!

Cas sucking out grace and being all badass was HOT ! I am not looking forward to the trench coat again, but I think it's a new one.

Even Gadreel ships Destiel! Look at that expression (he's like....just admit it men, this feels like a date and I'm the third wheel)!

Finally: RIP Kevin Freakin Solo! May you return (just not as some half baked ghost like Bobby, K?).
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