Supernatural 9.07 "Bad Boys"

Nov 20, 2013 19:02

I'm going to try to write this here.

I have never cried for show, just gotten misty, and last night was one of those times. Watching Young Dean laid open and so vulnerable. That was the boy within the facade. How heartbreaking for him to give up everything for family (Sam).

I'll admit I was skeptical when I saw the casting of Dylan Everett. My most positive thoughts were: he'll have to really sell the body language. And yes, that boy did. A few minutes in and I was a believer. I had a feeling this episode would emphasize the kind of Dean they did. This Dean was still a kid, witty and sassy, but innocent too. He was just doing the best he could with what John gave him. When you think of 35 years, his time at Sonny's was the tiniest blip of time in comparison. But it was an important time, a time for Dean to be a kid.

I found all that happened to be plausible. I don't think it flies in the face of canon because canon is only Dean's interpretation of events. And Dean is a liar, even to himself. It's easy to imagine how his lies to himself became the truth. Because, you can't tell me he never questioned the hunting life. And you can't tell me that any 16 year old doesn't want to belong to something.

So how wonderful was it to hear Sonny say :" you're doing well in're on the wrestling team..." It was beautiful. Finally, young Dean's tears at not being able to go to the dance. That's what nearly broke me. I thought of all the kids out there giving up their childhoods to raise siblings. What a shame.

Finally, I got to thinking about the bigger implications of why Adam Glass chose to write this flashback. Shouldn't it serve a greater purpose and give us some understanding of character? Or is it really a foreshadowing? And this is just my wacky speculatation....but what if Dean needs to make another sacrifice? What if Zeke won't leave Sam because he is hiding inside. What if Dean says yes to Zeke and takes the burden from Sam? What if that was Zeke's long con all along?
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