It was supposed to be a funnyface!Archie batch, but, um, it turned into a random Archie batch. Ahahaha. Also, this was kind of... a few weeks in the making, so some pics are kinda old.
Okay, I just spent all night making these, as if I didn't have 4 exams to study for, 2 papers to write, and a computer program to create. But ahahaha, David at Miley's partay is just too cute to resist. XD
3 Cookleta 7 David Cook 50 David Archuleta (most of which are just random shots from the afternoon meet and greets. Because, um, he's adorable? And I'm clearly obsessed. XD But how can you not be, with that gorgeous smile?)
This is what happens when my sister hoards the internet all afternoon and I go into Cookleta withdrawal even though I was just on LJ a few hours before that. XD Srsly, it took all my willpower not to rip the DSL cable from the PC and plug it into my laptop. GAH why won't my parents get wifi already?! :(