Massive icon post

Sep 21, 2008 19:28

3 Cookleta
7 David Cook
50 David Archuleta (most of which are just random shots from the afternoon meet and greets. Because, um, he's adorable? And I'm clearly obsessed. XD But how can you not be, with that gorgeous smile?)

I traveled 1024 miles to see David Archuleta. )

cookleta, icons, david cook, david archuleta

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ladymeltintalle September 21 2008, 14:12:31 UTC
Heee! I took 5 and 50, but they are all super cute!

Except his gaze in 45 kind of scares me. *ducks under desk*


popcultaddict September 22 2008, 10:07:33 UTC
I was going to giggle at you again due to your irrational fear of the gaze of the sweetest boy on earth, but then I looked at the icon in question and....yeah, it scared the heck out of me too. XD

He be planning world domination.


etiam_exspecto September 22 2008, 12:46:22 UTC
Ahahaha. Yeah. It creeps me out too. But I couldn't resist, it was too funny.

At least it wasn't an icon of the worst/funniest David photo in existence. XDDD Now that I really couldn't bring myself to iconize.


ladymeltintalle September 22 2008, 12:52:45 UTC
Ahaahahha That is seriously the best picture ever. I am crippled with laughter whenever I see it. Ohhh Archie bb <33



etiam_exspecto September 22 2008, 12:57:25 UTC
Most of his funny expressions just make me LOL internally (ok, that didn't even make sense haha) or just make me giggle a bit, but this. Oh gosh. I am wheezing right now just thinking about it.

And bahahahaha the captions for this on IDF just about killed me of LULZ.


ladymeltintalle September 22 2008, 14:11:53 UTC
Me too!!! And people get all offended when I call him out on his tard faces! I think they are ridiculously adorable, but still... dude has some real Special Ed faces, lol. But thats seriously one of the reasons I love him. More funny faces the merrier, I say xD


etiam_exspecto September 22 2008, 14:17:05 UTC
His funny faces are my favorite ones to iconize. XDDD In fact, I'm actually making a new batch consisting only of those. Hahaha.


ladymeltintalle September 22 2008, 14:30:00 UTC
Oh Em Gee.

*goes to make space in my icon section* MUST have me some of those xDD


etiam_exspecto September 22 2008, 14:51:46 UTC
Ahahaha. And hey look, FoD just updated with some pics that are just begging to be iconized. Oh David, you make my job so easy. XDDD


popcultaddict September 23 2008, 09:50:16 UTC


etiam_exspecto September 23 2008, 10:01:53 UTC
Ahahahahahahahaha. I'm trying not to LOL at your reaction because there's new tutor here at work who's sitting beside me and can so see what I'm doing (which is definitely not work, haha). But. I'm miserable failing. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

(As if I didn't react the same way when I first saw that picture, LMAO.)


popcultaddict September 23 2008, 10:22:10 UTC
Lol! I'm so obssessed, I'm always checking cookleta when I'm at uni, even though I shouldn't because people would totally be like WTF? XD

And gosh Arch, trying to give us heart attacks?


etiam_exspecto September 23 2008, 10:33:54 UTC
I sit at the very back of the library when checking cookleta at uni, away from prying eyes. But I nervously check if somebody's behind me anyway, which totally gives away the fact that I'm doing things like reading slashy fic. XD

Bahahaha every time I see that pic, I can't breathe out of fright and of my uncontrollable laughter. XDDD


ladymeltintalle September 22 2008, 12:56:15 UTC
I told you!!! Look at that face! He looks mad as a hatter in high heels! *continues to hide under desk until he rearranges his face into something less disturbing* xD


etiam_exspecto September 22 2008, 13:00:42 UTC
If it's any comfort, the bigger version is even creepier. I might be scarred for life. XDDD


ladymeltintalle September 22 2008, 14:12:39 UTC
How is that supposed to provide me any comfort?

In fact, you should post me a link of the bigger version, because I'm a masochist and I want to scare myself, lol.


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